Input on volume output from CA 740 A - feedback from owners


Active Member
Oct 20, 2008
New Delhi
I got a deal from a dealer to exchange my existing CA 540 A with CA 740 A with paying an additional 12k.

I bought the amp home for audition. During playing i found that the output from 740 A is feeble upto -30dB ( 65% of total volume ). After that its quite rich and loud. Whereas in my existing 540 A, at 40% volume the richness and punch is there.

One of a good member @sandeepss told me that it could be due to non linear curve of volume in higher end mode.

I need to decide by this week before i return the 740 A.

Looking forward for inputs from 740 A owners
After you settle down to the new setup do post a short review comparing the two amps. Best wishes :)

Sure !!! Have been listening to my favourite musicians right from Freddie to Rory Gallagher since last few hours.

The 740 A maintains the richness on the entire spectrum in 80% volume. The clarity is outstanding.

My existing 540 A is not a bad runner but some elements gets lost after cranking the volume beyond 60%. You can say “noise” would be the nearest expression to convey the feeling.

Would try out classical music and piano shortly. I am sense that it would be one helluva ride.
Hello ,
Have another offer from the guy. A kenwood preamp for 740 A for 4k.
Asked him to share the model and detail.
What do u say?
If you’re happy with the sound signature of 740a it’s better not to add anything else now and keep it simple.
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