Is this Elite screen best VFM for normal homes? Your advice comparing to other bestsellers on Amazon India


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2010
Vijayangar, Bangalore
Hi All

My nephews are redoing their home...they were looking for an affordable projector screen without stands as they are short on space. - they are not DYI folks nor do they have the latest and greatest projectors. So for someone using a branded 720 p projector(Acer) or a future purchase of an affordable Chinese 1080p projector - is the below Elite screen good enough?

I have a liberty Grandview 120 incher which is still going strong after ten years (retracting model non motorized - cost me 13K back then) and also have Inflight 120 incher which stands on two tripod type holders (cost me 7K few years back). They also have the same inflight model - but this one takes up lot of space due to extended tripod legs..hence they want something they can fix on the wall or ceiling to save space

I cannot make out the difference in quality between the above two screens since its casual viewing.

From the discussions on this forum and also on Amazon USA website, seems Elite is one of the better bands and 120 inches for a retractable screen for 10K in todays highly inflated times does not seem like a bad deal.

your views please. The competition are screens in the 4-5K range...simple pull down from Inflight and other brands on Amazon India website


All the mentioned projector screens are good, except you are looking for some specialised use like short throw projector or in need of Acoustic transparent screens.

Cheap screens like pull down will have wrinkle in due course of time and better to avoid those.
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