Kenwood 1050CT cassette deck


New Member
Nov 15, 2024

I have an offer from a seller with asking price for Rs 6k. Is this a good price? Also, please advise what points to look into while looking under the hood.

Thanks much in advance.
It's fine, if it works without issues. If you DO have the option to look under the hood, then the first things to look at are the heads, belts, electrolytic caps and pinch rollers, etc. Feel the heads with your fingernail, check belts for too much slack, check for leakage signs on the board, so on and so forth. Play something you know really well to see if what sounds off.
I think it is a good price. But I have some questions. Do you know the seller? Is he genuine or one who sells faulty products? Do you have technical knowledge? If yes, then check the product and see if the necessary parts are ok or not. Also play some cassettes and see whether those are at all listenable or not. Hope you will get your favorite deck. As for myself I got mine from an adorable FM. Though it was a blind buy , I am satisfied. Actually that FM sold me an amplifier earlier and that was fine ,hence I bought the deck without even auditioning or scrutinizing it.
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