Kolkata Audio Meet October 2019 (posting in 2020)


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2010
This time around a little mega meet with maximum turn-ups till date and at a venue that is exquisite in itself on the other side of the Ganges river. Amidst the concrete jungle of the ever densely populated Howrah district in an unnoticed corner is a age old mansion built in the late 19th century. And inside is the modern place of worship, the complete DIY acoustically treated audio room which is where we have come all the way to pay our homage.


Meet 3 / Last Meet of 2019
20th October 2019
Host: @Sandip Das (Sandip)

Attendees and Additional equipment carried

The gears being unloaded

The Base Setup
  • Luxman L114A Integrated Amplifier
  • Quad 11L Classic Bookshelves
  • Regular Toshiba DVD Player
  • Chord Clearway Speaker Cables
  • Custom Bookshelf Stands he got locally made
  • Custom Audio Rack made by him and udayan
  • Interconnects Van del Hul Hybrid Mk II
  • The room treatments
    • QRD diffuser made of wood on both the side walls locally made through a carpenter
    • Skyline diffuser made of Epson on the centre wall just behind the speakers and hand assembled by himself
    • Corner trap absorber panels made of sponge and foam and again hand assembled by himself
    • Carpet on the floor

Objective: To listen to the improvements brought through room treatment and to make some experiments

The Setup
The Luxman L114A is a pre worshipped piece of equipment and has not been serviced ever but owing to how these equipment used to be made to stand the test of time, it still works very well. The speakers were purchased by him not long back as new ones from showroom and for 50K INR we have heard some great mid-range on them, of course they are renowned speakers anyday. His music source is his huge collection of Music CDs (2000+ and still counting) that he plays using his regular Toshiba DVD player and uses its in-built DAC, something he switched to only recently after his previous vintage Technics SL-PG450 CD Player gave up. After the upgrade the complete room was renovated and because there was too much echo he could not tolerate he ventured into room correction techniques and eventually discovered that it enhanced the listening experience and took to all new heights.

The meet was planned for over a month in our local HFV Whatsapp group and each of us were required to select two songs of our choice which he could keep handy to save time in selecting tracks which could be put to use of experimenting with other things.

The Wows of Room Treatment
  • The moment the first track Saiyaan of the compiled album Teri Deewani was started it was surprise, Kailash Kher prolonging the tone and the effect is enough to set us back. There is so much magical ambience being created with the exact amount of echo as if the chores are directly coming to the ears. We had to ask him to play that song again to reconfirm. May not be an exact reproduction on phone microphone but check out T=0:20 onwards in the video below
  • The similar phenomenon was exactly observed in the Afreen Afreen track. Listen from T=0:38 onwards
  • Rajneesh was sitting initially in one corner and he first pointed out that he is hearing head phone effect and indeed we later on realized that some sound does feel like coming from the back of our heads, evident in the track Jiya Jale from Dil Se where the sound of the Mridangam playing (clapping like sound, favourite instrument of A.R Rahman, he has used this in Hum Se Hai Muquabla / Kadhalan, Jeans, etc) at the pause of the vocals felt coming from behind us.
  • The vocals came out quite good with a sweetening effect on higher bands being seen and this is because of the Luxman amp’s sound signature. The vocal in Jadu Hai Nasha hai from Jism by Shreya Ghosal played really very well, we use this for checking the brightness.
  • The system because of the right kind of corrections sounded so very complete at lower volumes that is one remarkable thing about it. We wanted to crank up the volume of the Luxman from 9 o clock to 12 o clock and replayed some of the tracks and concluded soon that the sound does feels way better in the lower volume and makes it enjoyable to listen for hours and at night without bothering the family or the neighbors. The downside to this is the BASS department, more on this later

Bass and positioning
  • We do not expect FS like bass from the BS all the time and then again some BS like the Wharfedale Diamonds generate good amount of bass adequate for many Indian genres. So is here too. If you do not need ground shattering bass, the Quads and Luxman combo is generating bass but some tracks would make you feel as if a bit of more bass could have helped. In another A.R Rahman musical gem Zubeidaa, the track So Gaye Hain from T=0:40 onwards has some very deep bass notes which were almost non-existent here. But then again this is critical listening and unless such a portion of the track is upheld the rest of the track in fact sounds really good.
  • Surprisingly when we sat on the floor the bass improved. So we concluded either the speaker placement of the acoustic treatment need some more tuning to get this rectified.

Switching to better Source and DAC
  • It was time for some experiments and we first tried comparing the regular Toshiba DVD player digital out to the Cambridge Audio 851C CD Player’s Digital output, in turn both used as transport but using the DAC of CA 851C in both cases.
  • When the CA 851C CDP was compared just for the transport against the Toshiba DVD player, immediately there was improvement in the separation and sharpness of the output as if the vocals were sounding way more cleaner and we all agreed the difference. Probably the dedicated CDP benefits from a better power source, more sturdy spin mechanism with lesser errors and of course may be better circuits. For the rest of the afternoon we used the CA 851C CDP as the transport.
  • Obviously the DAC was an upgrade in the chain and brought immediate noticeable improvement in the clarity and details of the tracks wherever instruments / background score is in play
  • There after the Audiolab A6000 was used which comes with a dedicated ESS Sabre chip based DAC and supported Pre outs too. So the 851C digital outs fed to the 6000A digital input and preouts went to the Luxman. The results were great again with great details and separation. This seems a real class product from Audiolab and they have packaged it very well with just not only a DAC but also the capability to use it as preamp or power amp or integrated all inside amp as desired. Tracks like Yeh Haseen Wadiya sounded great.
  • Unfortunately while trying to setup the Emotiva DC 1 DAC I accidentally damaged the coaxial input. Rajneesh is yet to get it repaired and so we could not use it even once in this meet. In the picture collage below on the top left corner, Sandip trying to take out the RCA connector piece that got stuck inside the coaxial input socket.
  • IMG_20200218_151249.jpg

Switching Amps
  • Now it was time for switching the amplifier. So finally the Audiolab 6000A speaker outs were connected to the speakers. A few tracks were played back to back for comparison
  • The Luxman and the Audiolab have more or less similar power output but varying sound signature. It would be improper to say Luxman sounds more analogue and Audiolab sounds more digital, rather Audiolab brings more clarity and sharpness to the body of the sound and in order to benefit from it one will have to listen to modern recordings that deal with many instruments and tracks.
  • We loved hearing Jalebi – Title track or Pal by KK on the Audiolab. In the picture below the Audiolab 6000A placed on top of the CA 851C CDP.

TIDAL once again a put down
  • Before we could wrap up connected the Allo Digione with a sim 4G router and played out a few tracks from TIDAL, the searches were coming late proving the connection has higher latency
  • Even when the Allo digione was powered on a battery (power bank), the output compared to dedicated CD based playback was pale. TIDAL dependency on internet connect is to a large extent.

Before we concluded for the day, in the wrap up discussion most of us advised Sandip of not changing the present setup which has beautifully settled in the whole setup. He was still keen for amp upgrade in light of the lesser power output from the Luxman.

It would be unjustified if I do not call put the mega hospitality arrangement Sandip had made for all of us. I fell asleep in the listening chair post lunch, sorry for not posting that pic here ;)

A great audio afternoon finally came to an end and leading many of us to actually think on working our room acoustics out before any further upgrade.

Some additional pics

Nothing special, but checking if lightning ambience has any further improvement to the experience, it was so dim we scrapped the idea eventually :p


.... and finally the mandatory group photo, from left @haisaikat , @subhashis_1980 , @udayan, @rpugalia , @Sandip Das and at the front bottom its @pratimbayal and finally @Maxprocrj
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@Sandip Das has done wonders with room acoustics on a budget. Its a real learning process for all of us. I dare say , many of us would have not been able to reach the sound that Sandip has achieved with his simple setup even with expensive upgrades.
@haisaikat, kudos on your reporting. Especially liked the first half where you went into details of various tracks etc. the latter half seemed a bit rushed - I was expecting a much longer write up than it eventually turned out. But still, you transported us to Sandeep’s den and that’s the strength of your reporting. I also liked how you were objective through it.

@Sandip Das, that’s a very cosy listening nook of yours in what seems from the pics a lovely traditional house in a heritage locality. Most of us now only dream of such houses or enjoy them in movies. While I was reading, I felt like I was with you all there, enjoying the warmth of the place.
Rajneesh was sitting initially in one corner and he first pointed out that he is hearing head phone effect and indeed we later on realized that some sound does feel like coming from the back of our heads, evident in the track Jiya Jale from Dil Se where the sound of the Mridangam playing (clapping like sound, favourite instrument of A.R Rahman, he has used this in Hum Se Hai Muquabla / Kadhalan, Jeans, etc) at the pause of the vocals felt coming from behind us.

It’s clapping only I think. At the first interlude I could discern both clapping and mridangam concurrently (around 1:35 in the track). Though in my system all of it came from the front.
@haisaikat, kudos on your reporting. Especially liked the first half where you went into details of various tracks etc. the latter half seemed a bit rushed - I was expecting a much longer write up than it eventually turned out. But still, you transported us to Sandeep’s den and that’s the strength of your reporting. I also liked how you were objective through it.

@Sandip Das, that’s a very cosy listening nook of yours in what seems from the pics a lovely traditional house in a heritage locality. Most of us now only dream of such houses or enjoy them in movies. While I was reading, I felt like I was with you all there, enjoying the warmth of the place.
Tnx Sachin Ji for your appreciation.
It’s clapping only I think. At the first interlude I could discern both clapping and mridangam concurrently (around 1:35 in the track). Though in my system all of it came from the front.
Yes that is the difference we found that sound is coming from all around and it is sounding good too, I wonder if I had listened with a headphone whether the 3D imaging would have been similar. The reflection induced may be the reason behind this.

the latter half seemed a bit rushed - I was expecting a much longer write up than it eventually turned out.
Actually it is the account of a 4 - 5 hours meet and initially we were going slow but towards the end we had to rush as quite a few devices were to be tested. Also due to time constraint I could not write this immediately after the meet, some of the other tracks we literally forgot.

Per my observation, if we have lesser devices to switch we get more time to listen the system of the host. But without some experiments with people carrying some of their own devices it would not be fun. In any case we do not get to meet more than 2 - 3 times in a year.

Among the previous meets you can check the one in April 2019, it was quite a detailed one. I am also evolving as a narrator so trying to make things precise and condensed without missing the crux of the information.

@haisaikat as usual wonderful write up
Thank you sir
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