Well-Known Member
In my earlier threads had posted about Asus Tinker Board 2 S SBC
and a shortlived success in installing LMS on it
With an extraordinary effort by @bobbyprajan who fished out his TB and tried the scripts he could find on the net and from his experience and fed them to me on PMs. @mbhangui too helped out with his posts on getting the thing run.
Now the steps I finally adopted are here. This may work for other SBCs running Debian. Mine is "locked" at Debian 10 v2.0.14.
The first step was to try and make the NAS mount automatically.
Bobby sent me the following scripts and I added the first couple of them to update the Debian and install NFS.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install nfs-common
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/media-NAS.mount
this opens a file and ---Copy and paste the below content—
Description = Mount NFS Share
After = network-online.service
Requires = network-online.service
# Uncomment the below if your server is real slow
# TimeoutSec=10
My NAS is Synology and it has the "volume1" prefix to the directories in it. Check yours.
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/network-online.service
---------------------Copy and paste the following content-----------------
Description=Wait until NM actually online
ExecStart=/usr/bin/nm-online -q --timeout=120
sudo systemctl unmask NetworkManager-wait-online.service
sudo systemctl start media-NAS.mount
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
df -k
check if NAS in mounted.
And with multiple reboots, NAS was found online every time. First issue solved. NAS was on when TB 2S is rebooted. No more click to mount it.
Now to install LMS. My Perl version is 5.28. Tried the latest LMS and it encountered dependency issue and could not install. So stuck with LMS 7.9.2
Again scripts was tailored by @bobbyprajan for this newbie
sudo apt install libio-socket-ssl-perl
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i ./logitechmediaserver_7.9.2_arm.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo usermod -aG audio squeezeboxserver
sudo addgroup lms
sudo usermod -aG lms squeezeboxserver
sudo usermod -aG audio linaro
sudo mkdir /media/NAS
sudo chown linaro:lms /media/NAS
sudo systemctl unmask logitechmediaserver.service
sudo systemctl enable logitechmediaserver
sudo ifconfig for IP address of the LMS - note it down.
It may be needed to set up on mobile at times 192.XXX.YY.ZZZ
Note: "linaro" is my username on TB. Yours may be different.
In the URL you can find other versions of LMS. For Bobby 8.3.1 worke.
Setup a Playlist folder
Set a folder for Playlist separate than the directory where you mount the NAS. Make sure your Playlistfolder is not in the homeroot of your library.Otherwise LMS would add the files in the playlist twice
I made a directory under /media called “music”
sudo mkdir /media/music
And ran these commands to set the right File permissions
sudo chown your.username:lms -R /media/music/
sudo chmod -R 774 /media/music/
Now to install Squeezelite Player
sudo apt install squeezelite
sudo systemctl enable squeezelite
In Tinker Board 2S the output was from the HDMI monitor audio output. The USB DAC was not getting recognized.
The workaround is to edit the /etc/default/squeezelite file
sudo vim /etc/default/squeezelite
Uncomment the line SL_SOUNDCARD=”default:CARD=XXX” and modify as below
It will depend on what ALSA Mixer calls your DAC. Mine was CARD=1. Use the digit used by ALSA not the description of the CARD.
Now reboot your SBC
Go to <IP address of your LMS>:9000, set the account for LMS or use your existing account to login.
Now populate the library from "settings > Basic Settings" by directing LMS to your NAS mounted on /media/NAS.
Set the Playlist folder as you have made above at /media/music on the same screen of LMS.
Once it scans and populated the library, good to play.
In "settings > Player" set "Play Other Songs In Album" to "Play other songs in album or directory" . My player was stopping at one song.
"Apply", "Close"
It should now play your music. I got an Android app "Squeeze-Controller" on my phone. On opening it, the LMS was detected and I can control the player from it.
Even after all these I could not play my NAS continuously. It was stopping after one song.
With ALAC files it plays one song and then it is like stuck in a loop. The count down timer for the track counts something like 12 secs and then resets. It is not possible to change track or play another album. Had to reboot the TB. On .WAV files there was no issue.
SL loves FLAC, WAV etc. not ALAC. This has been pointed out on some of the internet forums.
My library was all ALAC files on my NAS. and got the FLAC files on the NAS. Had for fun ripped all my favourite CDs into FLAC on my laptop.
SL does not start at times.
SL does not start if your USB DAC is not ON or not connected when you startup the TB 2S. If there is a physical switch on the DAC make sure to switch on.
So that ends my rant. Now my LMS on TB 2 S was belting out songs from my NAS, switched to a local radio station available on the LMS.
Youtube plugin was activated, put in the API Key but somehow the sound is not coming from it though I can see the stream playing. Another issue to crack.
Tinkering with Asus Tinker Board 2S
Had posted earlier to get suggestions for a DAC as my iFi Nano DSD now some 7 yrs old seemed to be misbehaving. Got it working. That turned my curiosity to make a streamer with RPi and a HAT DAC. Members such as @mbhangui , @Kannan had urged me to try it in my earlier thread. Now RPi is rarer...

and a shortlived success in installing LMS on it
Logitech Media Server on ASUS Tinker Board 2 S
Further to my earlier thread is the link to the SBC I was disappointed that I purchased a SBC meant to be used in IOT devices not for audio purposes. Having...

With an extraordinary effort by @bobbyprajan who fished out his TB and tried the scripts he could find on the net and from his experience and fed them to me on PMs. @mbhangui too helped out with his posts on getting the thing run.
- The NAS was not getting mounted automatically with the previous script I posted. I had to manually mount it and restart LMS. And even scan the NAS.
- The Player was doing a disappearing act after a song. The count down timer ends at zero and starts again. Reached 12 or 15 sec and resets. The player shows the same track being played. But no sound.
- If manually forwarded to next track, starts the song and then stops.
- The Player cannot be found even after scanning the NAS.
Now the steps I finally adopted are here. This may work for other SBCs running Debian. Mine is "locked" at Debian 10 v2.0.14.
The first step was to try and make the NAS mount automatically.
Bobby sent me the following scripts and I added the first couple of them to update the Debian and install NFS.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install nfs-common
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/media-NAS.mount
this opens a file and ---Copy and paste the below content—
Description = Mount NFS Share
After = network-online.service
Requires = network-online.service
# Uncomment the below if your server is real slow
# TimeoutSec=10
My NAS is Synology and it has the "volume1" prefix to the directories in it. Check yours.
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/network-online.service
---------------------Copy and paste the following content-----------------
Description=Wait until NM actually online
ExecStart=/usr/bin/nm-online -q --timeout=120
sudo systemctl unmask NetworkManager-wait-online.service
sudo systemctl start media-NAS.mount
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
df -k
check if NAS in mounted.
And with multiple reboots, NAS was found online every time. First issue solved. NAS was on when TB 2S is rebooted. No more click to mount it.
Now to install LMS. My Perl version is 5.28. Tried the latest LMS and it encountered dependency issue and could not install. So stuck with LMS 7.9.2
Again scripts was tailored by @bobbyprajan for this newbie
sudo apt install libio-socket-ssl-perl
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i ./logitechmediaserver_7.9.2_arm.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo usermod -aG audio squeezeboxserver
sudo addgroup lms
sudo usermod -aG lms squeezeboxserver
sudo usermod -aG audio linaro
sudo mkdir /media/NAS
sudo chown linaro:lms /media/NAS
sudo systemctl unmask logitechmediaserver.service
sudo systemctl enable logitechmediaserver
sudo ifconfig for IP address of the LMS - note it down.
It may be needed to set up on mobile at times 192.XXX.YY.ZZZ
Note: "linaro" is my username on TB. Yours may be different.
In the URL you can find other versions of LMS. For Bobby 8.3.1 worke.
Setup a Playlist folder
Set a folder for Playlist separate than the directory where you mount the NAS. Make sure your Playlistfolder is not in the homeroot of your library.Otherwise LMS would add the files in the playlist twice
I made a directory under /media called “music”
sudo mkdir /media/music
And ran these commands to set the right File permissions
sudo chown your.username:lms -R /media/music/
sudo chmod -R 774 /media/music/
Now to install Squeezelite Player
sudo apt install squeezelite
sudo systemctl enable squeezelite
In Tinker Board 2S the output was from the HDMI monitor audio output. The USB DAC was not getting recognized.
The workaround is to edit the /etc/default/squeezelite file
sudo vim /etc/default/squeezelite
Uncomment the line SL_SOUNDCARD=”default:CARD=XXX” and modify as below
It will depend on what ALSA Mixer calls your DAC. Mine was CARD=1. Use the digit used by ALSA not the description of the CARD.
Now reboot your SBC
Go to <IP address of your LMS>:9000, set the account for LMS or use your existing account to login.
Now populate the library from "settings > Basic Settings" by directing LMS to your NAS mounted on /media/NAS.
Set the Playlist folder as you have made above at /media/music on the same screen of LMS.
Once it scans and populated the library, good to play.
In "settings > Player" set "Play Other Songs In Album" to "Play other songs in album or directory" . My player was stopping at one song.
"Apply", "Close"
It should now play your music. I got an Android app "Squeeze-Controller" on my phone. On opening it, the LMS was detected and I can control the player from it.
Even after all these I could not play my NAS continuously. It was stopping after one song.
With ALAC files it plays one song and then it is like stuck in a loop. The count down timer for the track counts something like 12 secs and then resets. It is not possible to change track or play another album. Had to reboot the TB. On .WAV files there was no issue.
SL loves FLAC, WAV etc. not ALAC. This has been pointed out on some of the internet forums.
My library was all ALAC files on my NAS. and got the FLAC files on the NAS. Had for fun ripped all my favourite CDs into FLAC on my laptop.
SL does not start at times.
SL does not start if your USB DAC is not ON or not connected when you startup the TB 2S. If there is a physical switch on the DAC make sure to switch on.
So that ends my rant. Now my LMS on TB 2 S was belting out songs from my NAS, switched to a local radio station available on the LMS.
Youtube plugin was activated, put in the API Key but somehow the sound is not coming from it though I can see the stream playing. Another issue to crack.