Looking for 2.0 / 2.1 setup on the audio journey


New Member
Apr 22, 2016
I am in search of capable bookshelf speakers and have the following on mind :

* Setup 2.0/2.1 now and if at all it comes to a point to expand then in future
* Currently evaluating between DALI, KEF, PSB bookshelfs
* Budget range goes from 25 - 80 K
* Current AVR Onkyo TX-NR607 would still continue for now

I have heard the following and my conclusion

* DALI - Pending audition
* POLK - Dropped out after listening to KEF Q300
* KEF - Liked it as it was 1st better alternative
* PSB - Auditioned Imagine entry level & B and the preference is obvious in quality but the price difference is considerable

My question is around PSB speakers. The soundstage of these speakers is surreal and almost does away with any need of subwoofer from my perspective. since it leans more towards music (assuming since I didn't demo with a movie clip and frankly didn't feel like) it should serve the purpose of a tight bass for my focussed listening area of 10*10 in a 24*19 living room.

Is the price difference worthwhile the soundstage difference? I am a bit unclear since hearing it one time didn't make for a very convincing demarcation.

Simple is to compare the specs between the KEFs and PSB...and decide....

End of the day you are the end user....trust your ears....all the best
the kefs and the psbs are good. go with whichever sounds good to you. audition on the same amp. instead of a 2.1, think of a 2.0 - you can even go for floorstanders
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