Looking for a 32" LED for bedroom

Seems OK but you should demo that yourself rather than believe what people say. Check yourself and if you like it, get it. 32" @ 19.3K is a steal.
Well, there may be no reviews of the TV on the forum but there is a plethora of negative comments for Snapdeal on the forum. What is the price outside of Snapdeal?
Price seems to range from 19k to 21k on the web. Review about the product seems to be good but I did not find any reviews on hifivision.
Hello - I am looking for a 32" LED to be installed in my parents room. While looking on the web, I came across Micromax LED on snapdeal with very good reviews. Stragely, I did not find any reviews for this TV on hifivision. Is anyone using it? Please share your reviews.

[url=http://www.snapdeal.com/product/micromax-32lk-316-32-inches/522555?pos=2;75]Micromax 32LK 316 32 Inches LED Television - Buy Online @ Snapdeal.com

Why don't you check out this cool stuff from sony.
There is a sale going on 'Unilet' outlets where such micromax display panels @ peanuts.....as you guessed it...the display as well is :-)

Chances are you will not find any review of these panels as they were 'marketed' just 15-30 days before. I dont find them in any other outlets except 'Unilet'...that should say something as well???
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