Looking for Advice on a Simple Device to play audio / MP3 from USB storage


New Member
Jul 15, 2024
Delhi, INdia
I own an Yamaha R-S202 amp with only RCA inputs and bluetooth functionality, but no USB.

I have a stock of music in hundreds, which I’m itching to play through my Yamaha amp but can’t. At the same time, I am not in favour of playing music from a computer. Music for me is for listening in a relaxed mood, and a computer makes me unstable.

Since budget is really a constraint here, I wonder if there could be a device that cuts out all the frills of internet audio and streaming, and just lets me play audio from a USB storage. There are expensive gadgets out there like the Yamaha WXC-50, and I wonder if ther exists a device that cuts out all the features of the Yamaha and only the pre-amp part is available to play USB based audio (MP3 / Wav / WMA). I did have a look at the WIIM models like Pro and Pro Plus but didn't really understand whether they fit my requirement.

Any help would be appreciated.

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