Looking to buy a SubWoofer


New Member
Dec 13, 2022
HI - I am a noob here. Started building my set up with a Denon avr x760BT and Dali Oberon 3 floor speakers. For the subwoofer so far I have been making do with my old Sony HTIB subwoofer, now lookng to add a proper subwoofer. Could you please help suggest a good subwoofer with tight bass in the range of 50-60K INR. The room size is 20 * 24 feet. Looking forward to guidance here.
HI - I am a noob here. Started building my set up with a Denon avr x760BT and Dali Oberon 3 floor speakers. For the subwoofer so far I have been making do with my old Sony HTIB subwoofer, now lookng to add a proper subwoofer. Could you please help suggest a good subwoofer with tight bass in the range of 50-60K INR. The room size is 20 * 24 feet. Looking forward to guidance here.

In your budget; options will be Polk HTS12, Klipsch R120, BIC America PL200 II, Taga 212 SE, JBL A120P, Sonodyne 1210. These are 12 inch subwoofers; these have 10 inch variant too. Considering your room size, 12 inch sub will be appropriate. Do audition them before deciding.
HI - I am a noob here. Started building my set up with a Denon avr x760BT and Dali Oberon 3 floor speakers. For the subwoofer so far I have been making do with my old Sony HTIB subwoofer, now lookng to add a proper subwoofer. Could you please help suggest a good subwoofer with tight bass in the range of 50-60K INR. The room size is 20 * 24 feet. Looking forward to guidance here.
Hi welcome to the forum.

JBL stage a120p would suit well for your requirement.
For your budget, a pre-owned sub will make more sense. I have a SVS PB12. Item location Navi Mumbai. DM me if ineretested
HI - I am a noob here. Started building my set up with a Denon avr x760BT and Dali Oberon 3 floor speakers. For the subwoofer so far I have been making do with my old Sony HTIB subwoofer, now lookng to add a proper subwoofer. Could you please help suggest a good subwoofer with tight bass in the range of 50-60K INR. The room size is 20 * 24 feet. Looking forward to guidance here.

As advised by other FMs, audition before you make a choice / decision. If you are more into movies then a PORTED sub will be better. If the use is more into music then a SEALED subwoofer will be better suited.

Various brands and models available. A 12 inch for the listening area you have should suffice. Usually most use Subwoofers to compensate for missing low frequencies from the Front and other speakers. In short used as presence for punch and clean bass. Some would like to rattle / vibrate the place like a Club / Discotheque. The choice is yours....make sure you use the same music / movie content when you audition so you can draw reference and decide properly. Trust your ears!
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