Make a AVR

this is for the people with minimal requirements ..

just decode most 5,1 bot hco-ax + SPDIF .
our beloved tripath 2020 for each channel
Amp and decoder running independently, no pollution in power rails
surely will serve music and movies well .

may be a ODAc on the box will make it all in one !

to keep costs less we can go for EI trafo + simple Power supply for amp.
decoder comes will all need .
I think one can buy good 5.1 avrs from previous generation in clearance sales. IF one can locate locally. I am willing to sell my onkyo 5.1 which has quite good power for around that price.
This is more for DIY itch rather than low cost + I don't know of any AVR that uses class T amplifier.
An AVR does quite a bit more including multiple inputs, bass management, presets, audio processing like PLII/Neo, Room correction, video scaling/upconversion. Afterall its called Audio Video Receiver.

what this is just a decoder + amp thrown in. Will be better off just buying a player with analog 5.1 outputs and attach those to an amp. even more cheaper. or buy the older gen 5.1 receivers. Those can be had very cheap.
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I have made the decoder part in a separate enclosure, you can see it here:




It is currently being used with a headless Z5500 and sounds good if not better than the original pod. HDMI inputs are available in a few models however they are costly (you can easily purchase a readymade one from a cheaper brand in US).

I am planning to make a 5.1 multichannel amplifier with LM3886 as I have a good looking champagne gold Chinese amplifier at home. Power supply and boards are ready but there is no time. I have a denon AVR. This is for fulfilling the DIY ITCH.
yeah the itch is major factor ,

but as of me so called DSP processing is not required .

i have a YAM rxv361 avr , i hate it for stereo ..
5.1 also i dint like much as i demoed ..

there is some issue with the DSP chip and common PSU that they run , spoils the sound .

tripaths are well known for good performance

So called DSp features of AVRs i am no fan, we can do without them .
video switching ?
cant we have simple mechanical switch !

More than saving money .. the 5.1 will be of chosen components , handbuilt , custom power supply , minimalistic decoding simple and sweet.
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