Man of Steel

I don't know if the music is that good. But Superman flying - OMG!!!!!! :jawdrop:
yup yup./. hope this time Henry Cavill will make history appearing on the screen, same effect that we could feel with Christopher Reeve on the screen now that the CGs are amazing!!!
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To each his own.. Fass.. but I dont feel that I would be amazed like I was while watchin Mr Reeve on the screen in this series . I am more of a guy who was mesmerized by Sean Connery and can not bare to watch Daniel Craig :p :ohyeah:
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I'm glad they're putting some emotion into the story.

My favourite moment from the trailer:

Young Clark Kent: "Can't I just keep pretending I'm your son?"

Jonathan Kent: "You are my son!"
Watched in 3d this noon.

not sure what I saw .

I feel like breaking everyone arms and leg who wants to make a 3d(passive?).

I'll stick to 2d for rest of my life. I guess.
I'm glad they're putting some emotion into the story.

My favourite moment from the trailer:

Young Clark Kent: "Can't I just keep pretending I'm your son?"

Jonathan Kent: "You are my son!"

"Welcome to the Planet"
is what I could make out of the whole movie.
They tried to do too much and seemed like never reached the conclusion...also excessive special effects.
He should be called as Man of Concrete.. He breaks too much of them.

Never expected such a silly movie from Nolan. Disappointed.
Watched 'Man of Steel' in 2D on Friday in a morning show. (I have stopped watching 3D at all, not my thing I guess...)
First half looked promising and thought there will be a story in second half too; but it was just about breaking everything else along with the story, a 'Transformer' treatment infact.
All the actors were good, but too much of CGI ruined the movie IMHO!!
And the last scene, it couldn't be digested after what happened just few seconds ago ;)

The only thing I loved about 'Man of Steel' is its amazing soundtrack by Hans Zimmer...which I listened before going to the movie and it generated high expectations, but I'm disappointed!!
Watched 'Man of Steel' in 2D on Friday in a morning show. (I have stopped watching 3D at all, not my thing I guess...)
First half looked promising and thought there will be a story in second half too; but it was just about breaking everything else along with the story, a 'Transformer' treatment infact.
All the actors were good, but too much of CGI ruined the movie IMHO!!
And the last scene, it couldn't be digested after what happened just few seconds ago ;)

The only thing I loved about 'Man of Steel' is its amazing soundtrack by Hans Zimmer...which I listened before going to the movie and it generated high expectations, but I'm disappointed!!
Did you have an English 2D release in your city? Here at Pune, in English, it was 3D only.
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