Marantz pm5004 or Cambridge Audio AM5/AM10?


Active Member
Feb 6, 2013

My friend informed me that the Marantz PM5004 is available at a reduced price at hifimart (~19k). When I checked that out, I also stumbled upon CA AM5 and CA AM10 as well. Now, I have a real confusion on what would be the best buy. I know both CA and Marantz are good amps (in this case, entry-level). Please can you help me with the following:

1. Considering my budget at around 20k for the amps, which one would you suggest (I'm considering only the above 3 mentioned)
2. What are the speakers that I must consider for these amps for the best quality output (relatively speaking)? Budget around 15k.

Awaiting your valuable inputs so that I can make a well-informed purchase.

Thanks much!
Why dont you do the auditions first..your ears will tell you which one to choose. For speakers in that budget, you can go for Dali or wharfdale bookshelves..
Marantz will be more refined although low on power compared to the AM series of CA. In my opinion a real comparison between PM5004 and CA AM series is not really fair, the CA AM series is only entry level but PM5004 is a capable amplifier, the first offering in the line.
You can go with Marantz, the power is on the lower side though.
Thanks guys! Whereever I read, it's mentioned that the amp must have at least twice the power of the speakers that it's gonna drive. So, considering both CA and Marantz's 35W RMS per channel, what's the speaker wattage I must consider? Please advise.
Any quality entry level speaker you consider will be able to handle these amplifiers, perhaps I should rephrase or explain differently.
If you check any speaker specification it will mention 'recommended amplifier power', if the range is 20-100W then it in simple terms means the speakers will be driven best in that range.
The more power the amplifier has the better control it will have on driving the speakers. A lot will depend on speaker sensitivity as well, normally entry level bookshelves have a sensitivity of 86-87db, a higher sensitive speaker will be easier to drive. So a speaker with 89db sensitivity will better suit a low power amp such as Marantz PM6004, even then a Marantz 8004 with more power will perform better than the 6004.
I suppose you can not go by the rating per say, if you consider the rating then to drive a 20-100W speaker you will need an amplifier with 200W power ! Which is neither right, nor is it feasible in most cases.

More powerful amp = Better control.

After this amplifier choice itself becomes subjective, its tonality, sound signature, features and so on, the choice will depend on what you prefer and like.
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