It appears that the Marantz PM 7003 series has been discontinued, PM 7004 has been introduced.
Has PM 8003 also been discontinued? Found it tough to get one.
Did see a Marantz brochure at Alpha yesterday- did not contain either of 7003 or 8003 but had 7004. I am not sure if the Europe site has these two models.
Only Boomerang CST seemed to have the PM 7003 -neither of Alliance 4 or Viola or Alpha had it.:sad:
You could have a bad preamp section, isolate the problem. Send in output into the main in form a pre amp and see if you got sound. If you do, your power amp section is ON, problem is in Pre amp. If no sound, power amp is bad. Repeat by sending from pre out to another amp. Oh, is it internally jumpered ? If not, do you have the jumpers in place, or an RCA cable pair between main in and pre out.
Isolate your problem and locate it and go from there.