Matching Speakers for Onkyo AVR- TX NR 807


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2012
Hi, Looking for matching speaker for a freind who has Onkyo AVR model - TX NR 807. Can member of the forum suggest which of the brands go well with Onkyo. Currently looking for centre & floor standers only.Budget 1 lac. Appreciate if Onkyo users could suggest.Thanks in advance
Hi, Looking for matching speaker for a freind who has Onkyo AVR model - TX NR 807. Can member of the forum suggest which of the brands go well with Onkyo. Currently looking for centre & floor standers only.Budget 1 lac. Appreciate if Onkyo users could suggest.Thanks in advance

Are the speakers going to double the duty of stereo & HT (or) juz HT purpose...
For both Music and HT, 70% HT

For a 70% HT experience, there is no real need for FS.... A Sat+Sub (or) BS+Sub combo would be ideal....Getting a FS for 70K & crossing them @ 80hz to a sub-woofer is like you not exploiting the full potential of it...

Also i see that Onkyo TX NR 807 is Audyssey DSX capable (7.1) mode, i have used them & the movie experience is extraordinary....

Here is a link of my hands-on experience using Audyssey DSX...

For a budget of 1 Lac this is what i would suggest....

Sonodyne Avant speakers LCR 250 (For left, right & center) x 3 pcs -Approx 45K..(From after 10% discount)

Sonodyne Avant 150 (pair) x 2 - for surround & wide speakers - Approx 36K.

Any sub-woofer of his choice for remaining budget of 20K.... Exactly 1 Lac :ohyeah:

This way he has full 7.1 config.... If he doesn't feel like having 7.1, he can limit it to 5.1...
There are SO many threads about people asking for recommendations for floorstanders already existing in this forum
Then there are threads from people (myself included) who gave detailed personal experiences of their speaker buying journey (including comments on various speakers they listened to)

Please invest a few minutes and read a few of them
Another make would be the B&W.

I have not gone thru the entire thread so unaware of the requirements.

But I used to sell Onkyo AVRs eons ago and nothing sounded as good as the above combo.

I had heard onkyo AVRs with onkyo speakers, ELAC speakers, Tannoy speakers, Missions, KEF speakers (Which I own) but I still consider the B&W to be the best in terms of combo.
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