Metal stand & Bookshelf speaker


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2011
from Kolkata, now in Melbourne.
How does sound quality of bookshelf depends on the material of the stand?

There are simple made DIY metal stand with sand filled to make dead heavy and there are stands that cost a fortune.

If I make my stand heavy, absolutely non-resonating and very stable along spikes, is there any way I can make it better?
If the bookshelf speaker is built properly -- A simple stand- made out of 2 by 2 inch wooden pole and 10 by 10 base and platform should suffice. The speaker itself should not resonate- so IMHO you do not need a dead heavy stand
a well built heavy stand should do - since you are good at DIY
you should try it

top plate should be level though

welding doesnt seem to maintain perpendicularity though - watch your welder if dong that

cast iron single pc columns work better than pipes/tubes though
(ofcourse for a one off build it would seem too much work to make a mould though for gravity cast )

a large enough footprint is important to lower CG
so take care of that too when you build
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