Hi all...
I had tried roon for a short while last year using their trail period. Roon was installed on my HP laptop and directly feeding my dac via usb out. This was a basic setup with out any roon end points . And I didn't find it make any difference sound quality wise. Maybe better usb cables or some roon end point might have made a difference, but I was too sceptical at that time to give them a try. So I saved myself some money, and cancelled the roon subscription
Fast forward to 2019. And I was looking for a digital source with AES EBU out, as both my AMR dp-777 dac cum pre amp, as well my Devialet integrated amp both had AES EBU inputs. After some browsing and reading reviews online I contacted Metrum India for a Metrum Ambre. I didn't know much about it, except that it had AES EBU out that I was looking for.
So arrived the Ambre after a week, subsequent to my payment. Now started the conundrum....iam totally dumb at computers, and the Ambre is basically a raspberry Pi with better power supply for both the boards. And given that I could open the case and change the inbuilt micro SD card with a raspberry image of my choice , I wanted to explore what all options I had. Initially volumio seemed the least expensive with audiophile quality. So bought a 16gb micro SD card and loaded volumio into it, and downloaded the volumio app for Android onto my Lenovo yoga tablet. I also paid their user fee for the app, which I think is around 3.5 euros per month. So all setup gave it a spin. The sound was good, but not other wordly as I expected. So my search continued.
So I decided to give roon another try again. So installed roon server again on my gigabit brix mini pc ( bought from our forum member manniraj ) . And swapped the volumio image micro SD card with the original micro SD that came with the Ambre, which is actually programmed to be a roon end point. Gave it a spin and immediately felt that the back ground noise levels dropped . Especially vocals seem to hang in air, with no audible back ground noise . And there was added clarity and more bass authority and texture in the bass.
So iam really happy with the Ambre as a roon endpoint. I would recommend roon users to give it a spin
Thanks for reading
I had tried roon for a short while last year using their trail period. Roon was installed on my HP laptop and directly feeding my dac via usb out. This was a basic setup with out any roon end points . And I didn't find it make any difference sound quality wise. Maybe better usb cables or some roon end point might have made a difference, but I was too sceptical at that time to give them a try. So I saved myself some money, and cancelled the roon subscription

Fast forward to 2019. And I was looking for a digital source with AES EBU out, as both my AMR dp-777 dac cum pre amp, as well my Devialet integrated amp both had AES EBU inputs. After some browsing and reading reviews online I contacted Metrum India for a Metrum Ambre. I didn't know much about it, except that it had AES EBU out that I was looking for.
So arrived the Ambre after a week, subsequent to my payment. Now started the conundrum....iam totally dumb at computers, and the Ambre is basically a raspberry Pi with better power supply for both the boards. And given that I could open the case and change the inbuilt micro SD card with a raspberry image of my choice , I wanted to explore what all options I had. Initially volumio seemed the least expensive with audiophile quality. So bought a 16gb micro SD card and loaded volumio into it, and downloaded the volumio app for Android onto my Lenovo yoga tablet. I also paid their user fee for the app, which I think is around 3.5 euros per month. So all setup gave it a spin. The sound was good, but not other wordly as I expected. So my search continued.
So I decided to give roon another try again. So installed roon server again on my gigabit brix mini pc ( bought from our forum member manniraj ) . And swapped the volumio image micro SD card with the original micro SD that came with the Ambre, which is actually programmed to be a roon end point. Gave it a spin and immediately felt that the back ground noise levels dropped . Especially vocals seem to hang in air, with no audible back ground noise . And there was added clarity and more bass authority and texture in the bass.
So iam really happy with the Ambre as a roon endpoint. I would recommend roon users to give it a spin

Thanks for reading