Well-Known Member
Background: Refer link here >>
For previous demo see here (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha S2000 SACD Player) >>
Alternative technology* was also evident in this demo, though in smaller measure...literally *(referring to amp and Martin Logan in previous demo). It was the Ribbon tweeter this time... installed in the Adam A7 Active Monitors (brought by Mubeen, MRP approx INR 60k ). Since A7's have amp built-in there was no need to plug amp externally, however the remaining gear** was deliberately kept same as previous one having Usher V-601, so apple to apple comparisons could be made between the monitors.
**(Electrocompaniet pre-power amp + Yamaha S2000 SACD player). Adam seemed to be even more of a odd one out, in company of giants, compared to what the Ushers seemed in previous demo. The demo looked like a case of bike strapped with truck's engine. The moment this engine was switched on, everyone held on tight. Was that because of SPEED?...
Songs played:
See the song-list in the Observation-report.
The two "common songs" were >> Hotel California by Eagles... This soft-rock classic needs no introduction and "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff... is another classic, er. western classical. This was chosen as it is a really dense and highly dynamic combination of choir, string sections, steel drums... you name it. (A combo that can play it with all details but without strain on your ears, gets entry to HiFi club).
The two "uncommon songs" were >> "Baithe Baithe Kaise Rog " by Nusrat Fateh Ali khan, an ethnic-electronic fusion track having crisp percussion. Second track was an instrumental one "Taandav" by Bikram Ghosh, involving mainly ethnic percussion and melody instruments. The fast and tight percussion of both tracks served as good test of woofer and tweeter integration.
I later felt that we should have at least demo'ed the two common songs using Adam's own amps, just to know the product in its entirety. Oops... opportunity missed :-(
Demo# 06 in progress
Demo# 06 pre and power amp closeup
Electrocmpaniet Preamp EC 4.6 & Poweramp AW120
Demo# 06 CDP Closeup
Yamaha S2000 SACD player
Demo# 06 Speaker
Adam A7 Active Monitor
Observation report
For those new to above Observation-report...
- Explanation of criteria used in audition, is given in Observation feedback form here >>
- Since all the observation feedback forms were submitted as anonymous, the actual HFV IDs were substituted with Sample ID from "A" "B" "C" onward.
- The "1" numeral you see in the form indicates the tickmark that was made under that criteria. So all tick marks get added at the bottom to compare which criteria got max tick marks
This was another case of audience reaction laced with "superlatives". One unmistakeable quality observed by all was breathtaking "speed" of the combo. It was evident that while the backend gear was the same as with Usher V-601, the "speed effect" was primarily due to Adams. The audition of two "uncommon tracks" of percussion felt like riding a blazing roller-coaster ride thru a deep and wide soundstage... deep black background contrasted by sparkling percussion. Phew! 3rd amazing, distinctly different demo in a row... Pune HFVians never had it so good! Refer Observation-report for audience's remarks and conclusion-statistics at the bottom of each table
My two cents...
Since the idea of keeping backend gear same as with Usher's was to have "unadultrated" comparison with Adam A7... I will focus my comments on how the Adams were different than Ushers. Firstly... Secondly and... thirdly... the main difference was Speed, Speed and Speed. Allow me to expand the two cents to two dollars here...
Hallmark of speed? >> Attack-phase of Bass and treble in perfect sync. I heard jaw dropping cohesion of woofer and tweeter. While hearing percussions I never heard two drivers playing their part of percussion-spectrum separately, both felt as one. A bass guitar's uppermid component coming thru tweeter generally doesn't get mated in sync with lower mids coming thru the woofer, since a regular woofer is sluggish in movement compared to tweeter. When the uppermid peak coming from tweeter and mid peak from woofer don't sync, you end up with woolly, loose bass... and music that feels slow. In fact music could sound faster /swinging if you cut of the loose bass!
Now the treble part... the treble extended very high without sounding harsh. I've heard alum dome tweeter doing better extension than fabric dome, yet I couldn't listen to them for more than half hour (and that too with a warm amp driving them!). Adam's ribbon tweeter sounded even more extended, but surprise... no fatigue. Kudos to their designer. This is what resulted in "sparkling" percussion compared to their "fabric-dome" performer in Ushers.
Mids... I won't say that mids were recessed but somehow the warmth that mids are associated with was not there. I am not talking about "colored" type of warmth here. I mean the warmth you hear even in normal conversational speech. It was there in Ushers, and taken to another level in Martin Logan-combo. OTOH mids seemed very much in proportion to bass and treble, and didn't call undue attention to themselves by being "over" or "under" presented. Nothing to complain actually if the listener is not a self-confessed mids-lover. Another guy who may (surprisingly) end up nit-picking the bass, is the guy who is looking for bottom-end heft. I don't know whether the "missing heft perception" is a consequence of a fast woofer, or the Adam's woofer lacking bass-extension (I've read about some fast 8" woofers being termed "lean in bass"!). But to a guy who's self-confessed speed-demon... I would say, look no further than Adam A7.
For previous demo see here (Martin Logan Electrostatic Spkrs + Unico 100 Integrated amp + Yamaha S2000 SACD Player) >>
Alternative technology* was also evident in this demo, though in smaller measure...literally *(referring to amp and Martin Logan in previous demo). It was the Ribbon tweeter this time... installed in the Adam A7 Active Monitors (brought by Mubeen, MRP approx INR 60k ). Since A7's have amp built-in there was no need to plug amp externally, however the remaining gear** was deliberately kept same as previous one having Usher V-601, so apple to apple comparisons could be made between the monitors.
**(Electrocompaniet pre-power amp + Yamaha S2000 SACD player). Adam seemed to be even more of a odd one out, in company of giants, compared to what the Ushers seemed in previous demo. The demo looked like a case of bike strapped with truck's engine. The moment this engine was switched on, everyone held on tight. Was that because of SPEED?...
Songs played:
See the song-list in the Observation-report.
The two "common songs" were >> Hotel California by Eagles... This soft-rock classic needs no introduction and "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff... is another classic, er. western classical. This was chosen as it is a really dense and highly dynamic combination of choir, string sections, steel drums... you name it. (A combo that can play it with all details but without strain on your ears, gets entry to HiFi club).
The two "uncommon songs" were >> "Baithe Baithe Kaise Rog " by Nusrat Fateh Ali khan, an ethnic-electronic fusion track having crisp percussion. Second track was an instrumental one "Taandav" by Bikram Ghosh, involving mainly ethnic percussion and melody instruments. The fast and tight percussion of both tracks served as good test of woofer and tweeter integration.
I later felt that we should have at least demo'ed the two common songs using Adam's own amps, just to know the product in its entirety. Oops... opportunity missed :-(
Demo# 06 in progress

Demo# 06 pre and power amp closeup

Electrocmpaniet Preamp EC 4.6 & Poweramp AW120
Demo# 06 CDP Closeup

Yamaha S2000 SACD player
Demo# 06 Speaker

Adam A7 Active Monitor
Observation report

For those new to above Observation-report...
- Explanation of criteria used in audition, is given in Observation feedback form here >>
- Since all the observation feedback forms were submitted as anonymous, the actual HFV IDs were substituted with Sample ID from "A" "B" "C" onward.
- The "1" numeral you see in the form indicates the tickmark that was made under that criteria. So all tick marks get added at the bottom to compare which criteria got max tick marks
This was another case of audience reaction laced with "superlatives". One unmistakeable quality observed by all was breathtaking "speed" of the combo. It was evident that while the backend gear was the same as with Usher V-601, the "speed effect" was primarily due to Adams. The audition of two "uncommon tracks" of percussion felt like riding a blazing roller-coaster ride thru a deep and wide soundstage... deep black background contrasted by sparkling percussion. Phew! 3rd amazing, distinctly different demo in a row... Pune HFVians never had it so good! Refer Observation-report for audience's remarks and conclusion-statistics at the bottom of each table
My two cents...
Since the idea of keeping backend gear same as with Usher's was to have "unadultrated" comparison with Adam A7... I will focus my comments on how the Adams were different than Ushers. Firstly... Secondly and... thirdly... the main difference was Speed, Speed and Speed. Allow me to expand the two cents to two dollars here...
Hallmark of speed? >> Attack-phase of Bass and treble in perfect sync. I heard jaw dropping cohesion of woofer and tweeter. While hearing percussions I never heard two drivers playing their part of percussion-spectrum separately, both felt as one. A bass guitar's uppermid component coming thru tweeter generally doesn't get mated in sync with lower mids coming thru the woofer, since a regular woofer is sluggish in movement compared to tweeter. When the uppermid peak coming from tweeter and mid peak from woofer don't sync, you end up with woolly, loose bass... and music that feels slow. In fact music could sound faster /swinging if you cut of the loose bass!
Now the treble part... the treble extended very high without sounding harsh. I've heard alum dome tweeter doing better extension than fabric dome, yet I couldn't listen to them for more than half hour (and that too with a warm amp driving them!). Adam's ribbon tweeter sounded even more extended, but surprise... no fatigue. Kudos to their designer. This is what resulted in "sparkling" percussion compared to their "fabric-dome" performer in Ushers.
Mids... I won't say that mids were recessed but somehow the warmth that mids are associated with was not there. I am not talking about "colored" type of warmth here. I mean the warmth you hear even in normal conversational speech. It was there in Ushers, and taken to another level in Martin Logan-combo. OTOH mids seemed very much in proportion to bass and treble, and didn't call undue attention to themselves by being "over" or "under" presented. Nothing to complain actually if the listener is not a self-confessed mids-lover. Another guy who may (surprisingly) end up nit-picking the bass, is the guy who is looking for bottom-end heft. I don't know whether the "missing heft perception" is a consequence of a fast woofer, or the Adam's woofer lacking bass-extension (I've read about some fast 8" woofers being termed "lean in bass"!). But to a guy who's self-confessed speed-demon... I would say, look no further than Adam A7.