Mr. Kuruvilla on Jeevan TV Tonight


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
Trivandrum, India
Hi all,

Check out Mr. Kuruvilla on Jeevan TV (Malayalam Satellite Channel) tonight. They are running a feature on his record collection duirng the 7PM and 9:30PM Jeevan TV News casts.

Received the message from Mr. Kuruvilla, a few moments ago and sharing it with you all as specially requested by him.

Congratulations Mr. Kuruvilla, on the achievement and thank you for being such a wonderful torch bearer for our amazing hobby.

Here's wishing you the best of luck. Thanks.
Splendid. Thanks for sharing this Reuben. Hope I get this channel at home here in Bangalore and also make it on time.

Congratulations again Sir.

P.S: Can anybody have this recorded and then posted on YouTube? Members who miss can later view on YouTube.
Please accept my heartiest Congratulations Mr. Kuruvilla. I am not sure that we receive this channel, but nevertheless, our best wishes for this feat.

Indeed, as Record Player suggested, if anyone can post it to youtube, then we all can familiarize with the personality himself.

Thanks for posting this, Reuben.

Congrats KVJ - great and thnaks Reuben
BTW any chance of facebook post? What will be programme language? Any chance of english subtitles?
Congratulations Jacob Sir !!!! Unfortunately the subscription which I have in Tata sky is not having Jeevan TV, I will miss the telecast. It would be great if someone can upload in youtube.


Thanks to all for your wonderful encouraging compliments. I especially thank Rueben for the post. It was very thoughtful of him. Since it is coming along with their main news, they may show only for a minute or ttwo. I will try to get the full footage from Jeevan TV and try to upload on youtube. Thanks to all of you once again. Kuruvila Jacob
Due a technical snag, they could not show it today. They will telecast it for all their news at 7 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM and 7 PM. Sorry for the incovenience . Kuruvila Jacob
And they did show that today. just saw it on the live cast. The Garrard sounded great even on streaming. Just waiting to visit you place , Sir :rolleyes:!

And what was the antique gramaphone piece they showed at last ? And from which year ?
Mr. Kuruvilla has informed me that his news capsule was telecast during the 7am News on Jeevan TV today. It will be repeated at 10am, 1pm and 4pm. Do check it out. Once again, thanks Mr. Kuruvilla for informing us.
Yes. it came after the initial hiccup. I wanted them to show more of my vintage TTs including my second Garrard 301, Denon DP 60L, Thorens 125 and two AR players. Maybe I can try to get the full take after the broadcast and put it on youtube. Thanks to Rueben once again for his post. It can be seen live online streaming at 10AM, 1 PM ,4 PM and hopefully at 7 PM
And they did show that today. just saw it on the live cast. The Garrard sounded great even on streaming. Just waiting to visit you place , Sir :rolleyes:!

And what was the antique gramaphone piece they showed at last ? And from which year ?

You are most welcome to visit me . The grammaphone is a vintage one but I made a mistake of painting arm with golden paint taking away it's original look. I have recently purchased a Garrard 30 in original form and I am restoring it.I have not checked the year of manufacture yet
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