Much better sound on S2 with iphone 3G earphone..


Oct 30, 2012
I was absolutely not happy with Samsung s2 sound, and I was avoiding headphone music for a while.

Today by chance, I plugged my old iphone 3G earphone in my s2..and WOW! quality natural sound... much better than stock s2 earphones.

The sound is at par or better than my iphone 3G which uses wolfson or cirrus dac. And after hearing with iphone earphone, I wonder the criticism received by yamaha dac is valid or not...

Give a try with different headphones or amp with s2 and post your observations...

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Sorry to say..iPhone ear buds is real bad. Music from iPhone is also tinny.
Can't help saying. I am using iPhone 3GS for 3 years :mad:
Iphone sound good for a mobile phone. Best sound through mobile as per general opinion. Steriophiles may think differently.

In my ears, the combination felt real good. Continuesly impressed.

Maybe 'tinny' buds pair best with 'non-tinny' source.

I can't have a bad opinion on yamaha dac anymore...
I wonder the criticism received by yamaha dac is valid or not...

My conclusion after doing 100s of hours of A/B between an iTouch (which features a Wolfson DAC and is supposedly better than all iPhones) and a Samsung Galaxy Note (featuring an Yamaha DAC) is that - the DAC chip doesn't play as big a role as traditionally they have been attributed to. The Note produces a clean warm sound which when put through a tube headphone amp produces reference quality sound (at that price point). Whereas the same amp reveals that (the OP amp in the) iTouch is merely being over driven and is producing audible distortion at the expense of delivering higher current.

If it is to be attributed to the design philosophy of the iTouch and the Note, the iTouch is designed as a stand alone player, whereas the Note can act as nice source, which can be scaled up by pairing it with upstream devices. The implementation makes a difference.

I wouldn't say just because a portable device uses an Yamaha DAC it automatically becomes inferior to another device using a Woflson DAC.
joyous, experiment with some IEMs other than the stock. I am quite sure you will witness a substantial improvement in the sound quality. The bundled stuff that comes with the iPhone 3GS nor the SGS 2 are nowhere good enough to make a judgement/ write off the capability of the respective phones as audio source/music players.
But I see what you are trying to say, the SGS 2 is not as bad as it is made out to be.
joyous, experiment with some IEMs other than the stock. I am quite sure you will witness a substantial improvement in the sound quality. The bundled stuff that comes with the iPhone 3GS nor the SGS 2 are nowhere good enough to make a judgement/ write off the capability of the respective phones as audio source/music players.
But I see what you are trying to say, the SGS 2 is not as bad as it is made out to be.

I am just trying to say (find) that Yamaha's DAC is not as inferior as it perceived on online forums and all. I have seen much criticism on yamaha dac in forums. And I myself felt so (there's something wrong with this sound) by listening to stock earphone as most usually do. But after listening with iphone earphone, my perception completely changed. I just wanted to find out the actuality of it by letting others test.

It seems like there's some kind of lobby against Yamaha DAC or most people are just turned away by just testing with stock earphone.

Yes. I am trying to prove actuality of Yamaha DAC which got wrong reputation for 'some' reason. This may help forum members.

My conclusion after doing 100s of hours of A/B between an iTouch (which features a Wolfson DAC and is supposedly better than all iPhones) and a Samsung Galaxy Note (featuring an Yamaha DAC) is that - the DAC chip doesn't play as big a role as traditionally they have been attributed to. The Note produces a clean warm sound which when put through a tube headphone amp produces reference quality sound (at that price point). Whereas the same amp reveals that (the OP amp in the) iTouch is merely being over driven and is producing audible distortion at the expense of delivering higher current.

If it is to be attributed to the design philosophy of the iTouch and the Note, the iTouch is designed as a stand alone player, whereas the Note can act as nice source, which can be scaled up by pairing it with upstream devices. The implementation makes a difference.

I wouldn't say just because a portable device uses an Yamaha DAC it automatically becomes inferior to another device using a Woflson DAC.

This is the actuality of yamaha dac and s2 sound. Not bad at all, but huge criticism and bad name... :eek:
People tend to roll with the hype and spread that opinion even if they may not have heard it themselves.

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