My new projector Epson 9400 doesn't play Blu ray from Samsung BDP


New Member
Dec 31, 2007
I have just purchased a new projector Epson TW 9400 in India which is sold as a different model in USA. Now I cant play blue ray disc from my Samsung blue ray player BD E5500. Earlier it used to play perfectly with Epson TW 8100 . Also I have a oppo blue ray BDP-80. It is also not playing though there is no region contradiction. I simply cant understand the problem. Rest of the devices like my TV input through set top box and Netflix are playing fine. Message on the screen is "Not Supported".
Further I found that all these players are working fine with my tv. Do it appears I have a HDCP problem. The online review says that one HDMI port is 2.2 and the other one 1.4 . I don't know which one. I will simply switch the ports and try. Any suggestions.
hdmi 1.4 is just fine for blue ray. HDMI 2.2 will require you to use a high speed 18gbps hdmi cable. make sure that it is certified.

you message is not very clear. all blue rays are not playing or only some. also. is the disc player showing the splash screen etc?

i understand you need help but it becomes a lot more efficient if you define your problem and what steps you have taken clearly. otherwise you will get a lot of suggestions which you may have already done.

so some questions:

1. are the player handshaking with the projector. ie splash screen and player menu screen
2. are you using the same hdmi cable for both tv and projector?
3. please confirm which other players are working and go signal menu on the projector and see what form those signal are coming for the working players.

best wishes
I have just purchased a new projector Epson TW 9400 in India which is sold as a different model in USA. Now I cant play blue ray disc from my Samsung blue ray player BD E5500. Earlier it used to play perfectly with Epson TW 8100 . Also I have a oppo blue ray BDP-80. It is also not playing though there is no region contradiction. I simply cant understand the problem. Rest of the devices like my TV input through set top box and Netflix are playing fine. Message on the screen is "Not Supported".

Please check the output resolution of player set in Auto mode..or compatible with tw9400 resolutions
Sometimes the solution is very simple. usually cables from source to projector are very long ones. For testing use the shortest cable between player and projector. I remember once that worked out for a similar issue i was facing.

If you get clear signal via the shortest cable, then its just a matter of better cable you need for longer distance. There are some cables with integrated chip on display end for pulling better signal from source end. You can try them.
Hope u r following the news that globally all Samsung bluray players have crashed due to a bug. Samsung is yet to release a statement on the same.
1. No there is no handshake.screen says not supported only. 2. I am routing my signal through Yamaha AV 3070.
2. Even when I connect directly bypassing receiver same problem.
3. I have Oppo BDP 80 it shows the same problem.
4. I can’t change any thing on BD player menu because nothing is displayed on screen.
5. My hdmi is Blue rigger 25 feet HDCP 2.2/60frames per sec/4K/
6. My dealer says I have to buy a very expensive FIBBR cable but all experts opinion says that costly hdmi is a big racket.
Dealer is bluffing.
My cousin also recently got an Epson 9400 and it just works fine with any hdmi cable.
Also do select the hdmi input on the epson remote coz it doesn't auto detect the connected hdmi input.
Can you please suggest a good source ti buy fiber optic cable in india. I have reduce the length to 15 feet but I get glitches even now. So I have decided to buy fiber cable. Amazon has all fiber cable starting 33 feet. Very costly.
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