My Pure Class A amplifier from First Note Lab.


Active Member
Sep 5, 2012
After a long wait of 9 months, finally my 5th baby steps upgrade happened in my stereo system, to move towards pure audio (HI END??).

(2007) First step started with Bose Companion 5, still love it for movie and music and retained with me.

(2012-2014) Second step started with B&W 684, ASW610 with Rotel RA -12, I just loved it and took the first glimpse of stereo image in terms of sound stage, clarity and rhythms. But did last only for 2 years, with the time it appeared a be harsh, I was hunting for more natural sound.

(2014-2015) Third step started with Inclusion of Pathos Logos& Meridian Explorer DAC and exclusion of RA-12. Pathos logos took me in love at first site. I did not audition at all, just googled some review and brought it (I was the 2nd owner) form Cochin. Then started doing fun with costly 6922 tubes, like Telefunken, Mullard,Tungsram, BEL-(MG) India, but could not be satisfied with the system. It went for almost one and half year.

(2015) Fourth step was the inclusion of Chord 2 quite DAC (Thanks to Forum Member Panditji), I found so many good reviews and but it could not be justified in my system. I was hopelessly searching for the pure audio.

(2016) Fifth and last step was the exclusion of B&W 684, ASW610 & Pathos Logos& Inclusion of Blumenhofer big fun 17(Thanks to Mr.Jochen Semler, The Listening Room) in February 2016. But I could not decide the amplifier; the speaker remained in packed condition for 6 months!

While searching aggressively for my last amp I had great communications with our forum members sidvee, soundbuff,kvm ,renjithlal, dheerajin,shafic. I came across our forum member magma, and took a chance to have my amplifier build in India.

My hearty thanks go to magma for providing me the details of First Note Lab. Sill date I have not audition any audio gear except Bose. When I came to know its(Amplifier) being built in Kolkata itself (very near to my native place) I could not resist myself to take a chance.

I did not look back anymore. Had an introductory talk with Master Head of FNL and requested him to offer his best suitable sweetest product for my set up with Chord 2 Qute DAC and Blumenhofer big fun 17. The building cost raised my eye brows! But I decided to move forward.

After five months I got my Amplifier with analogue control center as my DAC do not have volume controller.

It was smoothest amplifier I ever heard, and was well-reviewed by some very experienced forum member at builder lab. But my horn speaker was kind enough to show the smoothness in more magnifying way .Blumenhofer big fun 17 is very transparent in imaging. After 20 days listening I again started searching for more accurate tonal balance.

So again sent back the heavy weight amplifier to originator for further modification. It was really difficult task including the shipping risk .After another 2 months of waiting the amp was sent back in my desired condition. Throughout the process the designer was very supportive and helpful to understand and solve each and every issue I faced.

I have little knowledge over electronics and its circuit. But , I know its a pure Class A amplifier around 40 Watts@ 8 ohms, heavily biased & produces one streetlight worth of heat, extremely heavy,requires at least two assistants to move or lift it. Its powered by a 1.2 KVA transformer and 0.36F capacitor reservoir bank

During the building process our forum member Asit da had audition it twice. On my request forum member Aanju had also audition it happily. I think Anju, (He has more knowledge on this audio gear electronics) can provide some information and his impression about his audition

Finally I have received the amplifier in my desired form of sound signature. It has excellent tonal accuracy with perfect Bass. sound is open & very expressive and has more layers of detail & no harshness . This is the most beautiful & satisfactory amplifier and set up, I have ever heard and owned.Now I am listening all my favorite tracks in this system and enjoying the music with the greater details & sound stage I have never heard.

Last 8-9 month was really painful for me, waiting and waiting could not concentrate on many essential aspects and failed to enjoy music (my biggest mistake!).

My long wait lastly makes me smile .Pray GOD it should last long! No more expensive experiment please. Now its time to spent more with family with music .

Lessen learnt: Try to enjoy music in all condition with whatever you possess.
Try to establish the dream audio gear most simple and smallest one.
The amp looks indeed quite beefy. Hearty congratulations - the 'looong' wait ended, happily!

Enjoy your music, now!
[/QUOTE] could not concentrate on many essential aspects and failed to enjoy music (my biggest mistake!).

My long wait lastly makes me smile .Pray GOD it should last long! No more expensive experiment please. Now its time to spent more with family with music .

Lessen learnt: Try to enjoy music in all condition with whatever you possess.
Try to establish the dream audio gear most simple and smallest one.[/QUOTE]


Hearty congratulations!!:clapping::clapping:

The success of your journey and the pain and efforts behind it, so beautifully expressed. Only a true perfectionist, diy enthusiast and a real music lover can understand the efforts taken by you. To others it is just a story.
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i own the same power amp ( mine though is slightly bigger size and wattage due to the the larger chasis becuase of the heatsinks )
but with a built in gain stage

i dont see anything other than an accuphase , levinsons
or a pass monobloc XA series ( mind you NOT the pass integrated or the F5s , F6's whatevr ) that will satisfy me over this
i do understand that are 100's of brands however i have mentioned only 2-3 above since i have decent relations with those distributors here
Beautiful workmanship ! Class A must be sounding great.
Enjoy the music :)
Good to know your journey skdas. You can try minmal acoustic treatment like carpet, curtain and few panel that gets you even more improvement
Good to know your journey skdas. You can try minmal acoustic treatment like carpet, curtain and few panel that gets you even more improvement

Thank you vijwilso ! . I still recall our communication with you on DAC ,Speaker & amplifier selection.

Even Without any acoustic treatment treatment, its excellent.

Definitely i will do the acoustic treatment treatment and will share the experience on improvement.
Congrats skdas. Nice set up.

IME, room treatment should be kept to a minimum when it comes to high efficiency speakers. They do not like damping. Just a carpet should normally suffice.

Try stuff like resonators, bookshelves, plants etc. Avoid bass traps and such stuff. At my place traps worked very well with dynamic speakers and speakers needing powerful amps. But not with my Rethms. As always, YMMV
IME, room treatment should be kept to a minimum when it comes to high efficiency speakers. They do not like damping. Just a carpet should normally suffice.

Try stuff like resonators, bookshelves, plants etc. Avoid bass traps and such stuff. At my place traps worked very well with dynamic speakers and speakers needing powerful amps. But not with my Rethms. As always, YMMV

Thank you Prem for the valuable information.

Any 2.1 speaker available for PC equal to Bose Companion 5 (or) more than that...?

Bose companion 5 SQ not very easy to ignore,atleast I feel.
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Congrats SK Das
Nice to see your journey culminating in a great set up.
Higher powered Pure class A is still a dream for most of us.
Congratulations SK Das! Happy Listening!

It's really nice to see more of First Note on the forum.
Magma's build was a really impressive piece with some heavy iron.
The First Note style with Class A is definitely another brand to look out for.

Would definitely like to hear more on their gear.

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