Need advice on the next SP cables for an upgrade.


New Member
Jul 5, 2020
I post here since there's no forum passionate people discussing like here in my country, Japan.
I say sorry for my poor English in advance.

My budget is around 1.5K USD, I'd consider more if it's needed.
I was planning to buy QED Supremus or Chord SignatureXL.
Since my knowledge is really poor, I need your opinion on picking right cables for an upgrade.

My System
PC (USB: AIM Electronics UA3-R010)
Accuphase E-480 (Interconnect RCA: QED Signature Audio 40)
Mytek ManhattanDACⅡ (SP cable: QED Revelation)
B&W 805D3

Music that I listen a lot
Rock, Female Vocal, Punk, J-pop, EDM

Many thanks.

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Kimber Kable, Wireworld, Nordost

If you have the option to return, you can try several options within these brands and keep the one you liked.
Hello @YAMADA . Welcome. Fine gear you have. For your budget of 1500 USD, dealers will be glad to give you on a trial basis. Get all the cables you can get and try them out.

Do consider Chord, Cardas, Kimber, Klotz, Duelund, Mogami, wireworld.
I post here since there's no forum passionate people discussing like here in my country, Japan.
I say sorry for my poor English in advance.

My budget is around 1.5K USD, I'd consider more if it's needed.
I was planning to buy QED Supremus or Chord SignatureXL.
Since my knowledge is really poor, I need your opinion on picking right cables for an upgrade.

My System
PC (USB: AIM Electronics UA3-R010)
Accuphase E-480 (Interconnect RCA: QED Signature Audio 40)
Mytek ManhattanDACⅡ (SP cable: QED Revelation)
B&W 805D3

Music that I listen a lot
Rock, Female Vocal, Punk, J-pop, EDM

Many thanks.

Acoustic Revive, Neotech. I think both are from Japan.
I post here since there's no forum passionate people discussing like here in my country, Japan.
I say sorry for my poor English in advance.

My budget is around 1.5K USD, I'd consider more if it's needed.
I was planning to buy QED Supremus or Chord SignatureXL.
Since my knowledge is really poor, I need your opinion on picking right cables for an upgrade.

My System
PC (USB: AIM Electronics UA3-R010)
Accuphase E-480 (Interconnect RCA: QED Signature Audio 40)
Mytek ManhattanDACⅡ (SP cable: QED Revelation)
B&W 805D3

Music that I listen a lot
Rock, Female Vocal, Punk, J-pop, EDM

Many thanks.



What is it that you don't like from your current setup? Dynamics like difference between volume of piano notes? Attack like a thwack from a drum stick? Too bright with less body? Lack of integration between highs and mids? Only female vocals sounding good?

What power cables are you using?

Arigatou gozaimasu
Look into audioquest
Thank you! I looked into audioquest, Rocket88 or William Tell Zero seem nice.

Nordost or Transparent cable
Thank you! I didn't know the maker Transparent, will try it.

Kimber Kable, Wireworld, Nordost

If you have the option to return, you can try several options within these brands and keep the one you liked.

Thank you! I guess it's hard to have the option to return, I'll ask for the rental.

+1 for Mogami. If I'm not wrong the 2804 would be the speaker cable. The 2803 is the IC..

Thank you for reply!
I have heard about Mogami cables and it's potential.
There are arguments both for and against it, will try it anyway.

Hello @YAMADA . Welcome. Fine gear you have. For your budget of 1500 USD, dealers will be glad to give you on a trial basis. Get all the cables you can get and try them out.

Do consider Chord, Cardas, Kimber, Klotz, Duelund, Mogami, wireworld.

Thank you for your farm welcome.
You are right, I'll ask some dealers in Akihabara for a rental.
It looks like Duelund is not for sale in Japan, but anything else are available tho.

Acoustic Revive, Neotech. I think both are from Japan.
Thank you! Yeah, Acoustic Revive is a Japanese maker but Neotech is from Taiwan I think.
I'll look into Acoustic Revive cables.


What is it that you don't like from your current setup? Dynamics like difference between volume of piano notes? Attack like a thwack from a drum stick? Too bright with less body? Lack of integration between highs and mids? Only female vocals sounding good?

What power cables are you using?

Arigatou gozaimasu
Kangei site itadaki arigatou gozaimasu!

It's hard to explain in English about that...
But these sentences are very likely.
・Lack of integration between highs and mids
・Attack like a thwack from a drum stick?

Power cable: AXIS-303 GX for DAC
Using an attached cable for Amp.
Power Strip: Oyaide OCB1SXV2

I have another question, not about cables.
I bought MGT-805WD3, a SP stand. (
Some people put insulator between Speaker and stand.
But since Japan is the earthquake-prone country, I'll put insulator between stand and the floor.
And wrap the wire in the middle of the SP stand. (There is a picture rail on the ceiling.)

What do you think about my idea and tell me which is more effective?
Many thanks.
Point is that it's not necessary that only a 1500 usd cable would give you the best sound. You may even like something costing much less. Try out as many as you can.

Do give a try to Siltech cables. Lot of options to choose from budget permitting. Given its an expensive investment, trial and conviction is best to guide your decision.

Long time ago, I had casually inquired about Siltech cable dealer in Pune and the quote they gave me was approx 1K USD. Hope this helps.
My budget is around 1.5K USD, I'd consider more if it's needed.


My System
PC (USB: AIM Electronics UA3-R010)
Accuphase E-480 (Interconnect RCA: QED Signature Audio 40)
Mytek ManhattanDACⅡ (SP cable: QED Revelation)
B&W 805D3

Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you with us.
Acoustic Revive cables would get my vote. (


Kangei site itadaki arigatou gozaimasu!

It's hard to explain in English about that...
But these sentences are very likely.
・Lack of integration between highs and mids
・Attack like a thwack from a drum stick?

Power cable: AXIS-303 GX for DAC
Using an attached cable for Amp.
Power Strip: Oyaide OCB1SXV2

I have another question, not about cables.
I bought MGT-805WD3, a SP stand. (
Some people put insulator between Speaker and stand.
But since Japan is the earthquake-prone country, I'll put insulator between stand and the floor.
And wrap the wire in the middle of the SP stand. (There is a picture rail on the ceiling.)

What do you think about my idea and tell me which is more effective?
Many thanks.

Dear Yamada,

1. All speaker cables will alter the sound in someway or the other.

2. I first recommend not using silver plated copper wire, especially with the Accuphase and B&W805 setup.
This is why I asked you about lack of integration of the highs and mids. So definitely the QED needs to go.

3. Cables tend to be thicker or thinner sounding. There are varying degrees of this. Cables like Cardas Golden cross were warm, thick sounding but slow. They were designed to compensate for CD's early days as well as the advent of the metal dome when players and tweeters tended to be brighter. On the other hand Nordost tends to be fast and lean and unless you go higher up in their series it will sound too light and sharp.

There are three points I am trying to make here:

1. Stick with one cable manufacturer, and preferably within the same series for your interconnects and speaker wire. That way you have synergy.

2. Remove your power cable and use a stock power cable on all components. This way you know for sure that your sound is not already strongly flavored by the power wire. Stock cables tend to be more noisy but also more neutral. So you are beginning with a neutral base. Like a clean canvas. I would remove the power strip as well and hookup directly to the wall outlet.

3. I would recommend sticking with Transparent Audio if you can afford their Super and Above series. Buy the best series that you can afford (IC and SP). This is because Transparent tends to be very neutral and the bass is very clean, well defined and full (not lacking). Some cables try and emphasize the bass and overdo it by making it wooly. I know that most of us drool over the cables available in Japan, but most of them are highly coloured. Some songs will sound beautiful where as others won't. Transparent cables being pretty neutral will not favour any particular genre and would infact allow your Accuphase to deliver its flavour to the speakers.

Once this is done you can then change the power cords to help with the noise floor. Once again try the Transparent power cables if possible. Add only one at a time. Too many high end power cables and you loose the rawness of music. It looses its primal quality and turns into a little cuddly bear.

The transparent cables will give you a clean sound with dense harmonics. It is not lush, warm, seductive.

If you are looking for a warm, lush, seductive sound with a golden hue, yet do not want to loose out too much on attack etc then consider the Nanotec line of cables with gold addtives. They have a lovely golden hue to the sound and complement your accuphase signature well.

I am not familiar with the acoustic revive cable so will not comment there, though some people have shared their positive experience with the same.
Nordost may not be a good match for the B&W tweeter.

Lastly please change your B&W links to ones that match your speaker cable.

Regarding your speaker stand.

What insulator have you put between the floor and stand? While this may affect the sound I feel that the speaker height would be more critical here. If I am not mistaken the B&W tweeter should be at your ear level. Even small deviations change the sound of this speaker. Hence I would focus on this parameter first. Maybe by adding an insulator you are taking the speaker too high.

Hope this helps.
Remove your power cable and use a stock power cable on all components. This way you know for sure that your sound is not already strongly flavored by the power wire.
Too many high end power cables and you loose the rawness of music.

That’s sage advice!

@audiopro, you should write a separate post on ‘Cables and System Synergy’. It will help many of us.
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Point is that it's not necessary that only a 1500 usd cable would give you the best sound. You may even like something costing much less. Try out as many as you can.

Yeah, you are right. I'll try as much as I can, thank you!


Do give a try to Siltech cables. Lot of options to choose from budget permitting. Given its an expensive investment, trial and conviction is best to guide your decision.

Long time ago, I had casually inquired about Siltech cable dealer in Pune and the quote they gave me was approx 1K USD. Hope this helps.

There are only few dealers sell Siltech in Japan I guess, I'll try to find one.
Many thanks for the information!

Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you with us.
Acoustic Revive cables would get my vote. (


Acoustic Revive SPC II Reference is a great cable.

Thanks for your warm welcome!
I'm very glad to find this forum, I can tell you about Japanese in return.
I'll ask dealers about Acounstic Revive cables would much my system.
Dear Yamada,

1. All speaker cables will alter the sound in someway or the other.

2. I first recommend not using silver plated copper wire, especially with the Accuphase and B&W805 setup.
This is why I asked you about lack of integration of the highs and mids. So definitely the QED needs to go.

3. Cables tend to be thicker or thinner sounding. There are varying degrees of this. Cables like Cardas Golden cross were warm, thick sounding but slow. They were designed to compensate for CD's early days as well as the advent of the metal dome when players and tweeters tended to be brighter. On the other hand Nordost tends to be fast and lean and unless you go higher up in their series it will sound too light and sharp.

There are three points I am trying to make here:

1. Stick with one cable manufacturer, and preferably within the same series for your interconnects and speaker wire. That way you have synergy.

2. Remove your power cable and use a stock power cable on all components. This way you know for sure that your sound is not already strongly flavored by the power wire. Stock cables tend to be more noisy but also more neutral. So you are beginning with a neutral base. Like a clean canvas. I would remove the power strip as well and hookup directly to the wall outlet.

3. I would recommend sticking with Transparent Audio if you can afford their Super and Above series. Buy the best series that you can afford (IC and SP). This is because Transparent tends to be very neutral and the bass is very clean, well defined and full (not lacking). Some cables try and emphasize the bass and overdo it by making it wooly. I know that most of us drool over the cables available in Japan, but most of them are highly coloured. Some songs will sound beautiful where as others won't. Transparent cables being pretty neutral will not favour any particular genre and would infact allow your Accuphase to deliver its flavour to the speakers.

Once this is done you can then change the power cords to help with the noise floor. Once again try the Transparent power cables if possible. Add only one at a time. Too many high end power cables and you loose the rawness of music. It looses its primal quality and turns into a little cuddly bear.

The transparent cables will give you a clean sound with dense harmonics. It is not lush, warm, seductive.

If you are looking for a warm, lush, seductive sound with a golden hue, yet do not want to loose out too much on attack etc then consider the Nanotec line of cables with gold addtives. They have a lovely golden hue to the sound and complement your accuphase signature well.

I am not familiar with the acoustic revive cable so will not comment there, though some people have shared their positive experience with the same.
Nordost may not be a good match for the B&W tweeter.

Lastly please change your B&W links to ones that match your speaker cable.

Regarding your speaker stand.

What insulator have you put between the floor and stand? While this may affect the sound I feel that the speaker height would be more critical here. If I am not mistaken the B&W tweeter should be at your ear level. Even small deviations change the sound of this speaker. Hence I would focus on this parameter first. Maybe by adding an insulator you are taking the speaker too high.

Hope this helps.

Dear audiopro,

Thank you for your thorough answering.
I have learned a lot from your instruction through 1~3.

Unfortunately, I have lost a ManhattanDAC's stock power cable, I will buy Accuphase's same one instead.
(Actually, it was very cheap-looking for the 6,000USD DAC included USB cable.. like it's sold 10USD.)

Then I am going to try Transparent Audio Super or Ultra cable and a power cable.
It is extremely pricy on Japanese market, I will try to find a used one.
It is very pleased that if you know a store on the internet would send it to Japan.

It is shameful that I have been to the place near of Nanotec's factory.
I didn't even know it existed.

I'm using TAOC TITE-35S insulator, made by their original high carbon cast iron.
Conversely, it is a little too short to set the tweeter at my ear level without the insulator.
I was planning to add the audio board for the raising if it's not enough.

Many thanks.
Yeah, you are right. I'll try as much as I can, thank you!

There are only few dealers sell Siltech in Japan I guess, I'll try to find one.
Many thanks for the information!

Thanks for your warm welcome!
I'm very glad to find this forum, I can tell you about Japanese in return.
I'll ask dealers about Acounstic Revive cables would much my system.
I am sharing with you a press release in Japanese.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.