Need help LED or Plasma

Sep 9, 2009
After several years with Sony Trinitron CRT, I thought of moving to larger screens. But when I went and watched all the top line LEDs to day, all are disappointing.. they were showing HD channels. Human skin tone is some kind of plastic. Nothing looks natural. checked LG, Sony and Samsung... Only better stuff was Plasmas (Panasonic and Samsung).
Now am in a dilemma, should I change my old CRT? could someone tell be a natural colour high quality LED or Plasma available between 60K to 140K?

If I take Plasma, is there any issues with that? not looking for bright light viewing though. What is the best choice.
There are people ready to take my old CRT :-)
After several years with Sony Trinitron CRT, I thought of moving to larger screens. But when I went and watched all the top line LEDs to day, all are disappointing.. they were showing HD channels. Human skin tone is some kind of plastic. Nothing looks natural. checked LG, Sony and Samsung... Only better stuff was Plasmas (Panasonic and Samsung).
Now am in a dilemma, should I change my old CRT? could someone tell be a natural colour high quality LED or Plasma available between 60K to 140K?

If I take Plasma, is there any issues with that? not looking for bright light viewing though. What is the best choice.
There are people ready to take my old CRT :-)

Your observation regarding skin tones is true. Color Rendition in Plasma is much more natural than an LED. However Plasma also comes with some stings attached. If you are okay with the shortfall of a plasma then Plasma is still the best bet in Panel technology.
CRT and that too a Trinitron from SONY was the best ever thing produced in history. So if that CRT is not bothering you much it is preferable to keep it for normal SD viewing.
Typically in showroom settings the colors temperature is set to cool or neutral so that it looks brighter and secondly the backlight settings is set to max or near max.
You can get naturals colors with correct settings on lcd/led.
In the Sony lcd in particular you need to use warm 1 or warm 2 to get good skin tones.
Typically in showroom settings the colors temperature is set to cool or neutral so that it looks brighter and secondly the backlight settings is set to max or near max.
You can get naturals colors with correct settings on lcd/led.
In the Sony lcd in particular you need to use warm 1 or warm 2 to get good skin tones.

I agree... U need to calibrate tv to get the best out of led,lcd...
let me complicate, so you can take an informed decision on your investment:

a. the quality of current tv sets is nowhere close to your crt.these new 'things' just fail. it's not about the technology specifically either. you will see present day crt tv's also failing right after their warranty period ends.

b. plasma is a fragile, poor reliability closest replacement of a good quality CRT. But in india, you have two options: samsung and panasonic. samsung does not extend their one year warranty on plasmas (plans available for LEDs) - tells you something?
panasonic seems to be unwilling to stock their good in-demand plasmas and is no longer making good on their 3 year warranty.

c. OLED is the next thing being looked at. But currently, its a complete sellers market in the US/UK and out of reach in india. I don't see much hope till 2015, even for those with deeper pockets.

I'd tell you two options :

a. stick with your CRT. maybe buy a standard low priced sammy (4/5 series?) fhd led-lcd tv to keep the missus happy.

b. go hunt down an ST60 panasonic and just hope it doesnt fail. or get some sort of appliance insurance.
After several years with Sony Trinitron CRT, I thought of moving to larger screens. But when I went and watched all the top line LEDs to day, all are disappointing.. they were showing HD channels. Human skin tone is some kind of plastic. Nothing looks natural. checked LG, Sony and Samsung... Only better stuff was Plasmas (Panasonic and Samsung).
Now am in a dilemma, should I change my old CRT? could someone tell be a natural colour high quality LED or Plasma available between 60K to 140K?

If I take Plasma, is there any issues with that? not looking for bright light viewing though. What is the best choice.
There are people ready to take my old CRT :-)

Same case with me. I m having a 25 inch Sony Wega Trinitron for the last 10 years. I use it with Tata Sky HD+..Picture qualty on SD channels is unbeatable. And Picture quality on HD channels shows a noticeable difference through component video. When last year I make up my mind to switch to LCD/LED and went to Showrooms for demo...I was very disappointed and dropped my idea to purchase any LCD/LED. Unfortunately Panasonic good Plasmas are not avaialable in my small city...neither the Dealers show any interest in Plasma.
So, finally I decided to presently continue with my beloved Sony CRT and wait for the right time....may be in some time I get a good Preowned Plasma ( only Panasonic) at a very good price and enjoy it next 2-3 years till the OLED technology enter in India.
There is misconception that plasma panels are better than LEDs. Plasma is ok only for completely dark rooms or home theater settings where there is very little ambient light. But for regular home viewing an LED is better any day. Skin tones are a function of color calibration. Sony has excellent color rendering on their LED illuminated panels. A plasma just can't match the vibrancy of an LED - LCD panel. Also panasonic does not do a very good job of implementing plasma panels unless you go top end ST60/GT60. I find colors on a plasma a little dull compared to LED.

I use a 42 inch IPS LED screen and would not trade that for any plasma.

Switching from a SONY Trinitron ? Those were the good old days of quality stuff made in japan. If you want to watch the news or current affairs, stick to your trinitron. If you want to enjoy 1080i on a large screen - buy a 42 incher or more depending on your viewing distance.
Skin tones and colours can definitely be calibrated. But in plasma, very little calibration, if any, will be required. LED is definitely for brightly lit rooms whereas plasmas shine in low ambient light. But size per size and Rupee per Rupee, plasma still outweighs any LED. Try getting a decent LED in 50-60K and you will be hardpressed for a selection - you may get a low LCD. There is still a gap of 20-30K in the equivalent performance matched plasma vs. LED - plasma being lighter on the pocket.

That said ... Panasonic is very downtrodding on India plasma market. Recent panel failures in plasma have been reported and instead of replacing panels/TVs (whether free under warranty or on cost), they are refusing to do so stating no replacements. They are offer low grade LED models as replacements. If going for plasma, I would recommend Samsung as a better bet.

If going for LED, there is no dearth of options - Sony/Samsung will be on top but have a look at Toshiba and the deal may very tempting.
That said ... Panasonic is very downtrodding on India plasma market. Recent panel failures in plasma have been reported and instead of replacing panels/TVs (whether free under warranty or on cost), they are refusing to do so stating no replacements. They are offer low grade LED models as replacements. If going for plasma, I would recommend Samsung as a better bet.

Respect are no fanboy..
let me complicate, so you can take an informed decision on your investment:

a. the quality of current tv sets is nowhere close to your crt.these new 'things' just fail. it's not about the technology specifically either. you will see present day crt tv's also failing right after their warranty period ends.

b. plasma is a fragile, poor reliability closest replacement of a good quality CRT. But in india, you have two options: samsung and panasonic. samsung does not extend their one year warranty on plasmas (plans available for LEDs) - tells you something?
panasonic seems to be unwilling to stock their good in-demand plasmas and is no longer making good on their 3 year warranty.

c. OLED is the next thing being looked at. But currently, its a complete sellers market in the US/UK and out of reach in india. I don't see much hope till 2015, even for those with deeper pockets.

I'd tell you two options :

a. stick with your CRT. maybe buy a standard low priced sammy (4/5 series?) fhd led-lcd tv to keep the missus happy.

b. go hunt down an ST60 panasonic and just hope it doesnt fail. or get some sort of appliance insurance.

Totally agree. I dont want to take risks now. Wait till my CRT give any issues..
That said ... Panasonic is very downtrodding on India plasma market. Recent panel failures in plasma have been reported and instead of replacing panels/TVs (whether free under warranty or on cost), they are refusing to do so stating no replacements. They are offer low grade LED models as replacements. If going for plasma, I would recommend Samsung as a better bet.

true, that! After lots of calls and all that, one Mr. amit from panasonic called me now and told me 'we will replace the panel but not sure when?". From replacement with LED to this - an indefinate wait for a panel that they will salvage from somewhere or the other, hunting every service center for a dead tv with a usable old panel? It's just ridiculous. All this after one month of going in circles with them and the service center - 3 service cases where they SC charged them almost 2k each time for doing absolutely nothing. Plus a helpline SR which is yet to be acted upon!

down with panasonic warranty!

I have told Mr. Amit about the discussions going on here and will probably share the links to their helpline too. No backing down now - Either an ST60 or refund with compensation.
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That said ... Panasonic is very downtrodding on India plasma market. Recent panel failures in plasma have been reported and instead of replacing panels/TVs (whether free under warranty or on cost), they are refusing to do so stating no replacements. They are offer low grade LED models as replacements. If going for plasma, I would recommend Samsung as a better bet.

I have to believe this after visiting Panasonic brandshop here in blr.
Very cold approach towards the customers. They have promised that once the stock arives will call. I have written my name, contact number in the entry book.
Its been months.
I think a multi brand shop will show some more interest.
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