Need Help Sony v/s Samsung


New Member
Nov 8, 2010
Hi guys planning to buy 40'' LED but confuse between Sony and samsung.
I picked up Sony EX710-Rs.76K and samsung 6 series Rs.-84K . Earlier i decided to buy LCD but saw the sharpness and contrast of LED and gone mad, so decided to go for LED. So guys pl help me in deciding between these 2.
On net i found that sony is sharing Samsung panel. is it true??
And prices i had mentioned r correct???
Why dont you just read the many threads already available ?
In any case, prices vary from dealer to dealer and each city. Since you have narrowed down your choice, to these two sets and companies,play the same picture /programme on both the sets( simultaenously if possible) and the make your choice.
Why haven't you considered LG LE 5500 or 5300,PQ was very impressive,plus it's a 42 inch TV for around 75K
Well yes the Sony has a SPVA panel made by the S-lcd corporations a joint venture between Samsung and Sony.
While the Sony 40" EX710 is guaranteed a SPVA panel,the samsung series 6 can either come with a SPVA or a AMVA panel made by AU optronics.
The AMVA have inferior blacks,so lower contrast.
Both are very good Tvs, trust your eyes and play the same material side by side ,both SD and HD,one of my friends got sony 710 for 77k from sony center this diwali,since there is a price diff you could go with sony or bargain hard for the sammy.
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