Need spikes for speaker stands


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2006
Faridabad (suburb of Delhi)
Where can I find spikes for speaker stands? Also are they also required for an audio rack?

I am trying to get speaker stands and a rack made and need spikes for my carpenter to put ...Would appreciate advice on where I could find them....
Panditji, I thought you bought your stands at Shenzhen already. That option didn't work?

How urgent is your need? Last week a colleague of mine (from Faridabad) went to India for holidays. If you posted earlier I could send you some good wood spikes easily.
Ouch....just missed it Ranjeet..... I saw wonderful stands in Shenzhen but have not been able to ship them here as my house is under construction.....Do you think wooden spikes would be able to disperse the vibrations better than steel?
I prefer steel spikes for speakers. They allow for better integration and better grip (more precise) with the floor.

Wooden spikes are better for components on the rack. Lighter and good damping. Their aesthetic appeal is also different.
Hi Panditji, Herbies Footers has some good solutions. You can check their website. Between wood spikes and steel spikes, steel is better because it can drain out vibrations better than wood. Steel spikes on wooden receptacles is a good bet. Thats what i use under the speakers. Steel spikes under ebony cups.
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