new to gaming need help


Active Member
Sep 24, 2009
Hello game gurus.i last week bought ps3 slim. the model no is CECH 2508B . do i need to update the there softwre hack to make it region free.if yes then hoe to do it. thankzz .
There is no software hack to make your PS3 region-free. If there was, I would not advise you to do it, since with the next firmware update, it could create a problem. Firmware updates are required to play newer games.

And did you type your model number correctly? I'm guessing it is CECH-2008B, which means a 250GB model for Russia/India, with blu-ray region code C and DVD region code 5.

You can update the firmware by connecting the PS3 to the internet through wireless, or ethernet, and going to System Update in your System Settings.

EDIT: I'm sorry, seems you have purchased the newer 320GB model. Wasn't aware of its model number.
well well .. for a NEWS.. ps3 hack is now available......

yes it is.....

next thing.. if you want to upgrade the firmware.. connect it to internet and it will automatically find update if there any.. will ask you to update before you connect to ps3 online service..

on a 1 m connectiong will take 30 mins odd..
however.. if you hack it.. u cannot upgrade the firmware.. not sure.. but i guess so..

also if u upgrade it u might brick it..

hack and upgrade might make it a deadly combo.. not tried the hack.. but it is there..

have hacked psp's a lot .. not outta this..

not exactly mate


Only update to firmware 3.41. Thats the only one that can make a jailbreak hex work.

ps3 can be modded only if u get a usb jailbrek dongle. I heard some local vendors are selling them for 2k. Although yea it only costs like 500~600 bucks. they got to make a profit i guess. :S.

No bricking issues. if u upgrade to latest firmware then yea the dongle wont work.

And games upto 3.42 has been working in 3.41. use google too find out how.

Yea most prolly gt5 will be needing the 3.5 to play. so lets wait to get it playable. :D

Ignore that jb chip.. 3500 bucks. wtf!. and that too for that self made pcb. :(. people are greedy.

Well dont think the IC on TE will run for a third time. but there are 2 other people who might. and they will be way cheaper than 3500. most prolly under a 1000 bucks. One of them is also a self made one.

Head to and check the jailbreak topics and jailbreak IC in market section by dhruv. far better.
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