new Xbox 360 elite slim (black) kinect ready


New Member
Oct 20, 2009
I am planning to buy one..

Anybody owns this here?
How is it performing? A short user review will be very helpful..

I am getting console (without motion sensor) with one wireless controller for 21K (2 games free)..

Is the price good?
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I guess u dont know much about console gaming. hmm..

Its just like the old 360. nothing new perf wise. Just efficient and redesigned hardware. Not like new GPUs.

Kinect is in PreOrder, no one has it yet. Save the Dev kits with devs. even the old 360 will support kinect with some addin

So as a old 360 user, if u like MP gaming nothing better.

which games?.. Halo reach?
thanks for the response..

:) yes.. I don't know much about xbox consoles..
I am not able to figure out the exact difference b/w old and new one..

1. does the old one have wi-fi N?
2. what is HDD capacity? the new one I am getting with 250GB HDD..
3. does it have optical audio out?
4. the new one has a dedicated port for kinect.. how would old one connect?
5. Does the old make lot of noise? the new one is said to be very silent.

games free are NFS-shift and halo-3.. I can choose any 2 games BTW..
The bundle is coming with a free xbox headset..can bargain further on the price as well..
do you think the price is good?
1. No. u needed a expensive dongle.
2. Old one had capacities from 20 to 120... and some SE with more.
And in these SKU's the HDD case is different from pics. I am yet to get mine in Nov.. :D
3. This one does. old one's HD VGA cable got it. dont remember the HD AV cables.
4. Some special addon, google it.
5. Ooh yeas.. i got the first ones.. zephyr's... hheheh it made some noise alright

I think those are the std new ones price. and yea those 2 games are worth it. well pick another racing game will ya.
That means new one has significant improvements..
Its not just the old one.. many new features introduced..
I was misguided by your first reply.. :)

The difference in price b/w new and old is 7K..
I hope its worth for the new features..

More over its black colored so it will match well with my TV and HT..
Have you considered getting a ps3 ? It has a lot more functionalities, plus some good exclusive games . I've read that the ps3 motion controller is better than the kinect.
Have you considered getting a ps3 ? It has a lot more functionalities, plus some good exclusive games . I've read that the ps3 motion controller is better than the kinect.

Yes. considered ps3 as well.. except for bluray playback I don't see any other advantage.. ps3 games are very costly and my interest is more towards xbox exclusive games.. 'halo-3' etc :)

you can not compare ps3-move motion controller with xbox-kinect..they are different..
ps3-move is more like wii..
xbox-kinect doesn't involve any controller.. its a motion sensor..
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