Nintendo Wii Game Share


New Member
Jul 20, 2010

Can we start having game exchange/share for the users having WII...
I have a WII black and recently got it soft modded...Though we can download games from Internet but still I think it would be better idea to share the games as we can get the reviews as well!

What say?

Hi Kamesh,
Me too got a Wii 4.3U version, how did you soft modified your wii?
You did it by ur self or any other?

I live in hyd, does any one in the forum know where to get the Wii soft moded?
I don't have the games to do it myself.
Does any one know where can i rent the games in Hyd?

MBR. soft modding a console is perfectly legitimate, only thing is you void the guarantee, but evidently the owners don't care. In fact the US Court ruled against Apple, who stated that Jailbreaking the iphone was illegal. Softmodding usually means users can run their own homebrew applications, unfortunately in our country people use it to pirate games.
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Wiihacks is the site to learn about soft modding. I myself have modded a 4.1 and 4.2 and download games from torrents and play including COD.

Regarding legality - well Wii is legally not sold in India and hence anything we do to it cannot be illegal.

Also one of the things driving people to softmod is the price of the games. I recently found few games in Chroma for 3599!!! am sure no one buys at that price, but for games sold in US for 15 dollars are sole here for 3599...people have every right to softmod their unit.
MBR. soft modding a console is perfectly legitimate, only thing is you void the guarantee, but evidently the owners don't care. In fact the US Court ruled against Apple, who stated that Jailbreaking the iphone was illegal. Softmodding usually means users can run their own homebrew applications, unfortunately in our country people use it to pirate games.

Yeah and the other logic is how the companies skim us. In US you can pick up any laptop upwards of 250 dollars and they come with Windows Home premium. In India you pick up a 35K laptop and it comes with Linux. How can we blame people if they use a pirated Windows 7?

Also yesterday in WSJ there was an article on how Microsoft in India makes 6 times the money per user in India vs what it makes in China in spite of all this piracy. Let the corporates get fair and people will follow.
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