Noise cancelling headphones for dogs


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2017
KB of Pawnix has created noise cancelling headphones for dogs that block out scary sounds such as thunder or fireworks.

PAWNIX Noise-Cancelling headset works for many other noises, not just thunderstorms and fireworks. It takes any loud noise and reduces the volume. When dogs wear PAWNIX, the decibel level of loud noises is reduced up to 30 decibels. That means that loud firework shows become the loudness level of a dyson vacuum, or a running dishwasher.
Wish there is one for cats as well. Diwali time is really stress inducing for my poor kitties
I feel More pet owners should join the campaign to bring social pressure on people who still and use noisy and toxic fireworks to celebrate festivals and events. Wilful Noise and air pollution is not good for anyone on the planet.
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The effect of this noise on cows, and other domestic and wild animals birds etc is also not known. Safe to assume it’s not good? Their hearing is generally much more sensitive than human hearing.
I feel More pet owners should join the campaign to bring social pressure on people who still and use noisy and toxic fireworks to celebrate festivals and events. Wilful Noise and air pollution is not good for anyone on the planet.
Animals seem to be much more acceptable and adaptable to change (most of our pets have shorter lifespan than us, probably thats helps). Diwali comes only once a year, and on average, only 16 times in a dog's lifespan. I assume they'll just do fine as long as we don't hunt them to extinction. Search for radioactive wolves on youtube.

I often think, we human beings, are the most sensitive. Because we constantly try to change our surroundings and manipulate it as per our needs and comfort.
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Animals seem to be much more acceptable and adaptable to change (most of our pets have shorter lifespan than us, probably thats helps). Diwali comes only once a year, and on average, only 16 times in a dog's lifespan. I assume they'll just do fine as long as we don't hunt them to extinction. Search for radioactive wolves on youtube.

I often think, we human beings, are the most sensitive. Because we constantly try to change our surroundings and manipulate it as per our needs and comfort.
Yes, if we can’t be kind to other humans at least animals could be spared. As the dominant species on the planet our responsibility collectively and individually is huge. Proliferation in numbers needs to match collective wisdom?
Just as in humans a brief traumatic event can have long lasting effects, PTSD etc in animals too. We should not dismiss the effect of fear and terror saying it’s episodic or ignore it’s consequences.

I will look up radioactive wolves.
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I wonder if evolution has made dogs sensitive to certain sounds for a reason - even if not known to us! But I guess some protection might be useful especially if used selectively (like during festivals - crackers). But thundering is a natural phenomenon and that it produces anxiety in dogs might be for some evolutionary reason.
This may help understand.

Humans can have it too, and it’s called misophonia and is defined as “hatred of sound.” Reactions can include irritability, sweating and increased heart rate. While there are not a lot of studies on human misophonia, it’s estimated that it effects about 20 percent of the population.
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