Opinion on Andriod KitKat?


New Member
Sep 10, 2012
Hi Guys
Android Launched his next version of KitKat, Need to know your suggestions?


Until any details/feature list is out, what can we suggest?
But yeah, looks tasty and tempting. So now we can have our chocolate and eat it too! :)
Jokes apart, the version number is 4.4 and not 5.0. So dont expect any major changes.
Hey anurag,

Thank you about your review about it, i saw a update about andriod so, i thought to share and get suggetions and what are the expectations of the users of andriod.
If you like to some expectations please go ahead.:thumbsup:
I don't like the name. I don't thinkt hey should have picked on a specific commercial confectionery.

On the other hand, I do like Kit Kat's android spoof site :D
There are not any details about the version yet. The name itself is quite innovative and it would only help android and nestle both. Quite a steal by google specially when everyone was banking on "key lime pie" as the name.
Apparently, the guys at El Goog wanted another name and saw Kit Kat lying in the fridge. They reached out to Nestle to see if they had any issues in using their brand name, but Nestle saw the opportunity and leapt at it. It really is free publicity for Nestle if you think about it. Not so much for Goog - I mean it is not like their new Android version would suffer if they had called it Bon Bon or Jujube.

I am currently using Android 4.3 on Nexus 7 (OTA update) and man, has Android come a long way! I think the really BIG jump happened when they released Jelly Bean. Most of the other updates have been incremental tweaks. I also have an Android media device that runs the older ICS, and man, does it feel ancient and clunky!
I'm boring, and would stick with release numbers. I don't appreciate Ubuntu's or Android's silly names. On the other hand, it is, I suppose, fairly harmless, so I don't really object --- but with numbers it is easy to know where you are.
I think there should be some contract between nestle and google, that to promote there kitkat chocolate.
What u say?
I'm boring, and would stick with release numbers. I don't appreciate Ubuntu's or Android's silly names. On the other hand, it is, I suppose, fairly harmless, so I don't really object --- but with numbers it is easy to know where you are.

I'm too used to the codenames that the CPU guys use, so I guess I don't object as much :)

On a side-note, I found Firefox's naming strategy refreshing - they got rid of the minor and release numbers (i.e. 8.2.1 etc.) and just use the major release number (i.e. version 24, version 25).

But as they say, the two hardest problems in computer science are naming things and cache invalidation.
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