Panasonic PV20D vs PU30 42"


New Member
Jul 20, 2011
Hello everyone,

I want to buy a plasma tv which is 42 inces and full HD.
After a little bit of research i found out that Pannys are the best when it comes to plasma Tvs.

I have shortlisted 42Pv20D and 42pu30D.
My budget is 50k (+ max 5k).

I ve heard that V20 is selling for 52-53k in delhi somewhere but dont know exactly where.

Please answer a few questions

1. What exactly is Moving Picture Resolution (its 1080 for V20 and 900 for u30)?
If its less than 1080 does that mean the TV is actually not full HD?
2. What is the best price that I can get for both the models in delhi and from where?
3. Any alternatives to the above TVs (Size 42")
4. What are the things I need to check before I hand over the cash and is buying an extended warranty really necessary?
5. Is it worth paying the extra cost for V20 over U30
6. Has the V20 production been stopped because of some technical problems?

All your help would be appreciated..I need to buy this TV within this week.
Vikas Surya Shopping Mall
Sec-3, Rohini, Mangalam Place,
Near Deepali Chowk,
New Delhi - 41

Phone: +91 011-47124200
Thanks, I did call them but waht they are offering is a demo V20, Im not very keen on buying a demo plasma tv. Could you suggest if I should go for it or not..
Never buy a demo plasma , unless it is offered at a very special price with full warranty. Many members have purchased V20 for 53 or 52k prices recently. You have to go through the threads and contact them via PM to get the source.
Hello everyone,

I want to buy a plasma tv which is 42 inces and full HD.
After a little bit of research i found out that Pannys are the best when it comes to plasma Tvs.

I have shortlisted 42Pv20D and 42pu30D.
My budget is 50k (+ max 5k).

I ve heard that V20 is selling for 52-53k in delhi somewhere but dont know exactly where.

Please answer a few questions

1. What exactly is Moving Picture Resolution (its 1080 for V20 and 900 for u30)?
If its less than 1080 does that mean the TV is actually not full HD?
2. What is the best price that I can get for both the models in delhi and from where?
3. Any alternatives to the above TVs (Size 42")
4. What are the things I need to check before I hand over the cash and is buying an extended warranty really necessary?
5. Is it worth paying the extra cost for V20 over U30
6. Has the V20 production been stopped because of some technical problems?

All your help would be appreciated..I need to buy this TV within this week.

Hi flyboy.

Plz find the ans 2 ur querries.
1.its not moving pis resolution its called pic resolution, the no of dots present in the screen.
As per term they are categoriesed as follows:
a)1080P=full HD
b)720P=HD ready or simply HD

As its clear that the panny u referening is not full HD, its in between. prices abt 53K
4.go for extended waranty, its peace of mind, any way panna is offering 3 yrs waranty. Thats enough. is better to go for full hd at this screen size.
6.its not stoppd as per any fault, they are just introducing newer range as to fight with the mkt offering. Its all mktg gimmik.

Hope it helps.
Happy hunting bro!!!
Let's not confuse native resolution of the panel with moving picture resolution.
Both PU30 and PV20D have full-HD (1920x1080) panels.

We shouldn't use moving picture resolution to decide HD or not HD. Otherwise, almost all LCDs and many plasmas will not be deemed full HD.

Typically, the moving picture resolution of an LCD (including those with Full-HD panels) without any frame interpolation technology is around 300. With frame interpolation, this could go up to 600 or in some cases 900 or so.
Hello everyone,

I want to buy a plasma tv which is 42 inces and full HD.
After a little bit of research i found out that Pannys are the best when it comes to plasma Tvs.

I have shortlisted 42Pv20D and 42pu30D.
My budget is 50k (+ max 5k).

I ve heard that V20 is selling for 52-53k in delhi somewhere but dont know exactly where.

Please answer a few questions

1. What exactly is Moving Picture Resolution (its 1080 for V20 and 900 for u30)?
If its less than 1080 does that mean the TV is actually not full HD?
2. What is the best price that I can get for both the models in delhi and from where?
3. Any alternatives to the above TVs (Size 42")
4. What are the things I need to check before I hand over the cash and is buying an extended warranty really necessary?
5. Is it worth paying the extra cost for V20 over U30
6. Has the V20 production been stopped because of some technical problems?

All your help would be appreciated..I need to buy this TV within this week.
42v20 would be available at Panasonic Store in Janakpuri. I visited the store yesterday and inquired about 50vt30. The salesman replied that it would be in market by end of this month but wont be in their store for atleast month as they have stock of almost every 2010 model. Morever he quoted 105k for 50v20.
1.its not moving pis resolution its called pic resolution, the no of dots present in the screen.
As per term they are categoriesed as follows:
a)1080P=full HD
b)720P=HD ready or simply HD

Thanks Bijay Mohanta but im pretty sure it is moving picture resolution, the resolution is still 1920 x 1080 so that makes them both full hd. I was able to get a price of 52-53k for V20 but for display models..not sure if i want buy a dsplay plasma..U30 im getting for 44k.

what would you guys go in for?
don't go by these numbers.
you won't notice any difference between 1080 and 900 lines as far as motion clarity is concerned.
but V20 is better due to, better panel - neo PDP with higher contrast,
better black level, better processing engine, better array of picture controls etc.
Hi flyboy.

Plz find the ans 2 ur querries.
1.its not moving pis resolution its called pic resolution, the no of dots present in the screen.
As per term they are categoriesed as follows:
a)1080P=full HD
b)720P=HD ready or simply HD

As its clear that the panny u referening is not full HD, its in between. prices abt 53K
4.go for extended waranty, its peace of mind, any way panna is offering 3 yrs waranty. Thats enough. is better to go for full hd at this screen size.
6.its not stoppd as per any fault, they are just introducing newer range as to fight with the mkt offering. Its all mktg gimmik.

Hope it helps.
Happy hunting bro!!!

LoL. Amazing how people mislead others without knowing that they do not know!!!
don't go by these numbers.
you won't notice any difference between 1080 and 900 lines as far as motion clarity is concerned.
but V20 is better due to, better panel - neo PDP with higher contrast,
better black level, better processing engine, better array of picture controls etc.

Not true. You will notice the difference easily.

I have a P42V20D recently bought.

And, when you pause, You can see the picture clearly. And, When moving letters can be read very sharply.

Do not believe people who say this moving resol. is not important. I have compared them both.
Not true. You will notice the difference easily.

I have a P42V20D recently bought.

And, when you pause, You can see the picture clearly. And, When moving letters can be read very sharply.

Do not believe people who say this moving resol. is not important. I have compared them both.

OK.. may be you are right.
But, I simply cannot understand what you have written, or what you are trying to elaborate.
If you have done a direct comparison, pls. explain how the test was done,
and how did you concluded that those additional line were really making a difference, so that I can be better informed next time.
Congrads Flyboy on the purchase...:clapping: eagerly waiting for your review... I am also thinking of buying this...
Same situation again, I was looking for 42U30 and I found a display piece of 42V20 in Croma. The salesperson quoted a price of 54K and he told they lost the stand and is only wall mountable. When I mentioned abt the duration/burn in he mentioned its brand new and was mounted just 2 days back ;) .
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