Hi there,
An update on the Philips TT 533, I had got in the month of Jan2014 during my search for a budget TT. Last week I was visiting home and during the stay checked the machine. As expected and briefed by the original owner, the machine does have a speed issue. Upon usual cleaning external as well as to an extent internal, I found some issues as follows:
1. Speed During the operation the platter rotates very slow say around 5-10 rpm. Upon taking out the platter, when the idler wheel is pushed forward manually towards the variable speed spindle, then it does achieve the speed but no way to know how much. Looking at the rotations I would guess it is inline with the spindle slot for the respective speed. The idler is rubber wheel and seems to have worn due to ageing as in the pic.

2. Idler wheel - I would like to know if this is an idler wheel issue or do I expect any other issues like bearing etc and if this type of idler spare is available in India / Mumbai. The platter if rotated manually is quite free and doesnot indicate any irregular rotation or abrupt stop.
3. Stylus / Cartridge The TT has an original Philips Stereo Saphire GP204 cartridge (pic enclosed) which I understand is a ceramic one. I suppose this will require a Ceramic phono stage if I have to loop it in my existing system at AUX input?
4. The stylus is dual side flip type( pic enclosed). One side reads LP-D and other side reads LP-S. I am not quit aware of the terms and which one is for the 78 v/s the 45 and 33.
As far as possible I would like to restore the TT to normal service unless it is beyond repairs. I would now request all our expert friends to help me understand the issues and if the TT can be restored. Much appreciate the assistance.
An update on the Philips TT 533, I had got in the month of Jan2014 during my search for a budget TT. Last week I was visiting home and during the stay checked the machine. As expected and briefed by the original owner, the machine does have a speed issue. Upon usual cleaning external as well as to an extent internal, I found some issues as follows:
1. Speed During the operation the platter rotates very slow say around 5-10 rpm. Upon taking out the platter, when the idler wheel is pushed forward manually towards the variable speed spindle, then it does achieve the speed but no way to know how much. Looking at the rotations I would guess it is inline with the spindle slot for the respective speed. The idler is rubber wheel and seems to have worn due to ageing as in the pic.

2. Idler wheel - I would like to know if this is an idler wheel issue or do I expect any other issues like bearing etc and if this type of idler spare is available in India / Mumbai. The platter if rotated manually is quite free and doesnot indicate any irregular rotation or abrupt stop.
3. Stylus / Cartridge The TT has an original Philips Stereo Saphire GP204 cartridge (pic enclosed) which I understand is a ceramic one. I suppose this will require a Ceramic phono stage if I have to loop it in my existing system at AUX input?

4. The stylus is dual side flip type( pic enclosed). One side reads LP-D and other side reads LP-S. I am not quit aware of the terms and which one is for the 78 v/s the 45 and 33.
As far as possible I would like to restore the TT to normal service unless it is beyond repairs. I would now request all our expert friends to help me understand the issues and if the TT can be restored. Much appreciate the assistance.