Philips 533 Turntable Issues


Jan 25, 2011
Singapore / Thane
Hi there,
An update on the Philips TT 533, I had got in the month of Jan2014 during my search for a budget TT. Last week I was visiting home and during the stay checked the machine. As expected and briefed by the original owner, the machine does have a speed issue. Upon usual cleaning external as well as to an extent internal, I found some issues as follows:
1. Speed During the operation the platter rotates very slow say around 5-10 rpm. Upon taking out the platter, when the idler wheel is pushed forward manually towards the variable speed spindle, then it does achieve the speed but no way to know how much. Looking at the rotations I would guess it is inline with the spindle slot for the respective speed. The idler is rubber wheel and seems to have worn due to ageing as in the pic. DSC04576.jpgDSC04577.jpg
2. Idler wheel - I would like to know if this is an idler wheel issue or do I expect any other issues like bearing etc and if this type of idler spare is available in India / Mumbai. The platter if rotated manually is quite free and doesnot indicate any irregular rotation or abrupt stop.
3. Stylus / Cartridge The TT has an original Philips Stereo Saphire GP204 cartridge (pic enclosed) which I understand is a ceramic one. I suppose this will require a Ceramic phono stage if I have to loop it in my existing system at AUX input? DSC04579.jpg
4. The stylus is dual side flip type( pic enclosed). One side reads LP-D and other side reads LP-S. I am not quit aware of the terms and which one is for the 78 v/s the 45 and 33.
As far as possible I would like to restore the TT to normal service unless it is beyond repairs. I would now request all our expert friends to help me understand the issues and if the TT can be restored. Much appreciate the assistance.


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I have a similar Philips TT, 633. What I can tell you is that the rubber pulley can be replaced with HMV rubber pulley too. However, noticed that the bearing area of the HMV pulley is slightly larger in circumference. Hence, there will be some 'play' if you use the HMV pulley. Keep that as a last resort for changing the pulley if Philips ones are not available.
I would first adjust or increase the tension of the spring which draws the pulley towards the platter. The spring losing the required tension is a common problem which crops up in TTs like these over a period of time. The 633 has a DC motor with adjustable speed, hence, I have a feeling that your 533 might have a similar motor. Minor speed corrections can be made by adjusting the speed of the DC motor too.
Hope this will help. Do update us.

Also, please do not play brand new records on this TT as although the cartridge sounds nice as far as ceramic ones go, this GP204 (& GP215) cartridges track really heavy and can ruin new records.

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The description of lethargic starting speed looks to me like the idler wheel not making sufficient contact with the rim of the platter. The mechanism that pushes the idler towards the platter rim may not be strong enough. I have no experience with this turntable but I am guessing it will be some sort of spring mechanism. The spring may have to be changed. Or may be you can also try your luck with a rubber belt to replace the spring (as successfully used by some of the Lenco nutcases:)).

If idler is worn, you can try rebuilding it at Taj Rubber in Lamington Road if you have the time and patience. I can give you his number but be warned that he hardly respects his own delivery timelines:lol: I have never "re-treaded" the rubber on an idler wheel but this gentleman assured me he can do it as long as the metal "wheel" is intact. It is a bit like re-treading a car tyre. I have got a number belts made for my belt driven turntables and his workmanship and quality is OK (and cheap).

On the other hand, if this model is common, there just might be sellers who will supply spare idlers.
Even some light sanding of the edges (contact area) of the idler wheel works well, if the rubber has lost grip. But first check the spring tension.
I had the similar issue with 533 tt. You can do anyone of these--
1. Check the RPM stick which draws the idlar wheel near the motor is intact or not.
2. Try to speed up the motor by opening the tt.
3. Phillips 533 spare idler is readily available. If you want the addresses, you can mail me. It costs only Rs.100.
An advice which may help you in future - Please don't allow the player's auto stop function randomly. Better manually pick up the tone arm before 'auto stop' occurs. This will prevent further extra tension and unwanted jerks over the old springs.
Good luck.
your record player's mechanicals requires some TLC badly. As Dr.Partha recommended, its better to get a new idler. The Idler tension spring looks stretched and needs to be replaced. Clean up the grease and oil deposits and apply fresh grease and oil as appropriate. Philips motors may not easy to open, unlike Garrards (I have never opened a philips motor). If you have to get to that stage, its better to ask someone experienced for help.
See if these solves the problem/s ...
Speed and idler :If idler wheel is not hardened you can sand paper the sides of it. This will not affect the speed as this is only transfer wheel. (the motor pulley and platter diameter affects the speed.) But sanding should be even or it will vibrate. I had somewhat similar TT, I grabbed the idler with exact screw and bolt put it in electric drill and very lightly sanded it with almost perfect evenness. Lubricate all moving parts with tiny amount of oil.

The three rubber bush shown in green dots adjusts the motor position as shown by arrow try experimenting with it. It affects the grip of idler.
Stylus : LP-D is diamond for microgroove record and LP-S is sapphire for 78s.

Thanks much for all your suggestions and guidance. I will try to lay my hands once again on the TT during my next home visit probably around May and will arrange an update. Excuse me for the delay in responding as had been preoccupied over the weekend and couldnot get back to HFV.

Hiten - many thanks for decode on the stylus and identification of the motor positioning rubber bushes. The idler wheel is still flexible as I felt. Though I maynot be able to give it a professional sanding. I suppose I can try it with a fine emery instead?

Reuben - Got it. Just that the last time I didnot have time to open the TT. Hence had to just clean it superficially. The next time I believe I will have to spare time to open and give it a thorough clean up with oiling. Will also try to chk with Dr Partha for a spare idler wheel supplier.

Dr Partha - Many thanks for the insights as I recon you also do have a similar TT. Much appreciate if you can provide me the contact for the idler wheel supplier and I can arrange to get a spare. just in case.

Saket - thanks for the info you have provided on the speed related issues. will try to adjust the spring tension first to see it works out as you have suggested. Note your advice on not exposing the new LP's to this stylus.

jls001 - Sorry bro I couldnot get the name from yourID. But yes thanks for the info on retreading of the wheel and I can give it a try if getting a spare wheel itself doesnot work out.

Mr Jacob - Thanks for the suggestion to adjust the spring tension. I will definitely give it a try.

I do owe an update later. Kishor :signthankspin:
Hi there,
An update on the Philips TT 533, I had got in the month of Jan2014 during my search for a budget TT. Last week I was visiting home and during the stay checked the machine. As expected and briefed by the original owner, the machine does have a speed issue. Upon usual cleaning external as well as to an extent internal, I found some issues as follows:
1. Speed During the operation the platter rotates very slow say around 5-10 rpm. Upon taking out the platter, when the idler wheel is pushed forward manually towards the variable speed spindle, then it does achieve the speed but no way to know how much. Looking at the rotations I would guess it is inline with the spindle slot for the respective speed. The idler is rubber wheel and seems to have worn due to ageing as in the pic. View attachment 13973View attachment 13974
2. Idler wheel - I would like to know if this is an idler wheel issue or do I expect any other issues like bearing etc and if this type of idler spare is available in India / Mumbai. The platter if rotated manually is quite free and doesnot indicate any irregular rotation or abrupt stop.
3. Stylus / Cartridge The TT has an original Philips Stereo Saphire GP204 cartridge (pic enclosed) which I understand is a ceramic one. I suppose this will require a Ceramic phono stage if I have to loop it in my existing system at AUX input? View attachment 13975
4. The stylus is dual side flip type( pic enclosed). One side reads LP-D and other side reads LP-S. I am not quit aware of the terms and which one is for the 78 v/s the 45 and 33.
As far as possible I would like to restore the TT to normal service unless it is beyond repairs. I would now request all our expert friends to help me understand the issues and if the TT can be restored. Much appreciate the assistance.

Well its few months old post and i joined recently. If problem is still there and you fell its motor speed problem then open your turntable and follow wire from motor to the pcb board its going there you find a big potentiometer. This potentiometer decides how much voltage passes to motor usually its around 3.5V rotate the potentiometer to get the speed you want. The voltage increase wont harm motor.
I am having a strange issue with my Philips 533 record player wherein the external speaker is malfunctioning.
The issue is when the player is turned on and stylus is placed over record, the sound is audible from the speaker for only 2 seconds, then it makes a loud hum and NO SOUND comes out of it.

Would really appreciate if someone can guide me in the right direction as to what could possibly be wrong.
View attachment 19464

Am facing a strange problem wherein the external speaker of my player functions for initial 2 second once the stylus is placed over record and then only aloud hum is audible and nothing else.
Would appreciate if someone can point me out in the right direction as to what could possibly be wrong with it.
Check the amplifier circuit please. Probably one or more electrolytic cap are damaged. Also check wheather AC 187/188 pair are in good condition or not.
Dear Samsag,

You first need to know from where the problem is occurring. just connect the speaker and touch the tip of the styles loosely if you get hum then remove the hand from it and increase the volume. if hum stays. then remove the cartridge and touch the pickup point by a screwdriver. If it stays then you can try to replace the filter capacitor. But one thing you should remember that if filter capacitor is bad them hum will stay and will start as and when you power the set.
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