Plasma tv


New Member
Oct 5, 2011
I want to go for a plasma tv(panasonic)but i want to know whether panasonic really honours the 3-year warranty in case of any break-down of the tv (which is not our fault)during the tenure of warranty-period & I want to know how prompt their service is when compared to samsung plasma.
How much is plasma failure rate when compared to lcd/led failure rate.
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I have summoned them only once in the first of the three years (yet to finish the first year). They come next day and advantage over the samsung customer care is that you can negotiate on the time which is difficult with the samsung CC once you have commited for a specific time. However speed of action wise I think samsung is ahead, sometime I have seen samsung come same day but panasonic will come next day.

I think plasma and lcd breakdown happens on luck but I do not have statistics to support anyone particular. I have seen lcd going kaput from overheating due to owner's mishandling but that does not mean something cannot happen to plasmas.
How much is plasma failure rate when compared to lcd/led failure rate.

I cannot comment on LCD/LED but my samsung plasma has had one issue in the past 3.5 years in the 2nd year. The rep came and tried a few things before figuring out it was the video processor. This was fixed in 4 days. Total downtime was 5 days but my TV has all new parts so its practically a new TV. All this was covered under warranty.
Panasonic 3 years warranty only for the panel and rest of the parts covered in 1 year warranty policy.
Panasonic 3 years warranty only for the panel and rest of the parts covered in 1 year warranty policy.

I think that's not correct. It is a comprehensive warranty. Anyhow I will check the warranty terms and get back.
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