Plinius 9200, musical fidelity m6, emotiva xpa2, anthem i225


Sep 27, 2009
Hi. I'm trying to pair an amp with Dynaudio audience 122. Tried marantz, ca, Bryston, musical fidelity, nad and Cambridge audio 840. Musical fidelity so far has fared best.

Wondering if anyone had tried comparing musical fidelity to plinius 9200, emotiva xpa2, anthem i225?

Please post your specific experience with these amps particularly when paired with Dynaudio. Thanks
The 9 series plinius is a step back from the 8 series. However you should still audition it. See if you can find a used 8150/8200. Those were stunning amps.

I have no experience with the other amps. You could also look at the naim nait 5i. However prices in India are pretty retarded.
I've heard the Anthem and the Plinius on separate occasions. They are in completely different leagues. The Plinius is a very refined amp while the Anthem sounded like listening to an AV reciever - loud and powerful but not much else.
Bobby had the Naim nait 5.

Another guy brought one from Singapore and was willing to sell it here for around 1L or less.

Naim is supposed to be very particular to whom it is paired with including cables and cords.

I had XPA-2. I think for ur 122 , XPA-1 monos would be better.

90K+VAT is the local price which IMHO is a bit too much.

85K or so all inclusive is the max I'd pay especially considering its an 875 GBP amp.
MF to me sounds very dry...which could be a good thing or not...with Dyns they would sound good as Dyns are awesome speakers...but mind you the entire setup would be very unforgiving...

Plinius on the other hand sounds very aggressive...adds a lot of character to the sound...would again be a great match for the Dyns...

IMHO, Plinius followed by MF...have not heard Emo or Anthem so cannot comment...but at that level, do try out Bryston...there a Classe up on sale (I think) in the classifieds section...see if you can get your hands on a Sugden...
Heard the Bryston with dyns. Bryston was being directed by a tube pre....Didnt have much authority....So far its the bass section of the mf that grabbed me...most reviews tend to speak about it as well....Will Plinius have similar authority and rich bass?

In the specs I noticed that MF is even higher current than the Plinius 45Amperes vs 40A...

Any thoughts?
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.