
LED PROJECTOR WITH 3D MOVIE SUPPORT - Bangalore: Music Systems - Home Theatre in Bangalore at Quikr Bangalore

3d / native XGA / LED all in a projector
ghtness at Source: 2700 Lumens

Display Resolution (Native) : HD (720p) - XGA 1024 x 768

Supports Resolution: 480p, 480i, 720p, 720i, 1080i, 1080p

Aspect Ratio: 4:3, 16:9
for 19K
india warranty , show room in bangalore

Please some one demo it !
It looks suspicious with that 2700lm tag on a LED source. I'm pretty sure we don't have LED projectors at that brightness.
Beware specs shown are good but not true. LEd projector are not good ones. 2,700 lumens led projectors are false claims. i HAVE SEEN 4 TYPES OF led Projectors 2500 lumens to 2800 lumens. they are just false claims and the quality is very poor.Please take a demo and you will find out. Dont get cheated by specs on paper. I am saying from experience.
LEd projector is the future in low cost rage ,i use m110. lumens is low 500lm
at full dark it is good. not sure about pyle
ok for i-fear-led buyers i have offer

ViewSonic PJ562 HD LCD Projector 2000 Lumens !

This one goes in 1300$,that is 70k+ in indian rupees.
ebay link@
US $279.99

so <20k to india

lamp life:4000hours, replacement are 3-4k Rs.
native resolution:1024 x 768

Aspect Ratio
4:3(native), 16:9
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