PS3 Games Region Code


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2010
Can anyone please let me know if I purchase any PS3 Game from and try to play them on my PS3 purchased from India will I face any region code related iossue? On amazon there is no region filter search for PS3 Games. On the internet there are several links some which say that games are region free and some says they are not and there is lot of confusion.
Games are region free , even if they have region coded the PS3 will not care about the codes since it is code free for games. Only for blu-ray movies PS3 is region locked.
I have never faced such issues,in fact now only I am coming to know region code for games in ps3, all the ps3 games will play in ps3 console, it has no regions codes afaik.
On the back of most PS3 disc cases, there IS a region code mentioned (Region 2 for the games bought in India, since, I guess they are imported from Europe).

However, I have read in many forums, where it is mentioned that PS3 is region-free for games. Some of the games "might" have slightly different content for different regions, though.
Games are region free but most of the DLCs (downloadable contents) like map packs etc are region locked but you can always buy the DLCs from the same region as the game from PSN!
Games are region free but most of the DLCs (downloadable contents) like map packs etc are region locked but you can always buy the DLCs from the same region as the game from PSN!

are there downloadable games that one can use / buy from online sites with / without mods
I have a US PS3 and I purchased couple of games in India. Didn't have any problem, they worked. But If i had normal TV not HDTV connected through HDMI i might have had problems (Not sure though) because US PS3 is NTSC version and the game disc we get here are PAL....but since i connected my PS3 via HDMI no problem....i guess since you are getting the games from UK they should be PAL as well....
Best think to do is create a PSN id with US address, you will get lot more options that with an indian address. Even better buy VPN and connect through a US IP to PSN, you will get lot of games demo and even movie streaming. Movie streaming is very expensive though....
Hello manny9, How about the power adapter for the US PS3 in India ? Many people say it is universal - Is that true ? How about locking for BD discs.. Will the BD available in INdia Play in this ? Please help me make a decision.. I an in US for one week and planning to buy the same

Hi, yeah the power adapter is universal, you will not have any problem whatsoever in using it in India, no transformers needed...but since it will be a flat pin u need an adapter to plug into power get this here or u can get one from there...they are cheap...

Since this will be a US PS3 the blu ray region code will be locked to "A". For games you don't have to worry since all PS3 games are region free, so you can purchase game disc in India.I purchased god of war 3, red dead redemption and F1 in Bangalore....all of them play without any problem in my HDTV....not sure about normal CRT TVs since the PS3 will be NTSC version...

currently there is no mod for Blu ray movies without jail you can play ONLY region A blu ray movies (Asia is C and Europe is B), again this is not a major issue since most the blu ray you get in India are region free....or you can always order from amazon, i do that a lot...still works out cheaper than buying in India...

For me it really worked out better buying from US, Cheap and the ability to play region A blu rays as most (not all) of the blu rays in India is region free....

See if you can get the move bundle..this is what i got : PS3 Slim 320 GB + Move Bundle (1 motion controller, 1 PS Eye, Sports champ game , move demo disc) + Extra Dual shock controller + Move motion controller

Let me know if you need any more information...
Hello manny9, How about the power adapter for the US PS3 in India ? Many people say it is universal - Is that true ? How about locking for BD discs.. Will the BD available in INdia Play in this ? Please help me make a decision.. I an in US for one week and planning to buy the same


You will just need a different power cord for playing the PS3 in India. Blu-Rays available in India are "mostly" region-free so they will play in your US PS3. Just make sure you're using an HDMI cable, so that the NTSC-PAL issue does not arise.

Before buying blu-rays, check on the cover whether they are region-free. You will face more problems for DVDs since many DVDs available in India are region-coded 5, whereas your US PS3 will only be able to play region 1 DVDs. No problems for PS3 games though.
is it worth the risk ...plugging in the ps3 directly?????????
I had too read about the same wen i bought one from US...
also ihackit have also opened up the ps3 and shown the universal power converter inside the ps3...
but i did read that the cable has to be changed cos of the ameperage....
Yeah its bit scary to connect to the power supply, but i did lot of research before i did that. Also I called up Sony (both India and US) and confirmed that it can take 240V power supply directly. I didn't think you need to change the cable as well..its almost a year since I bought PS3 in US and I have been using it heavily in India and haven't had any problem till now, touch wood :)
The PS3 has a 110v - 220 v power supply and therefore it can be used anywhere in the world without any power up/down converter. I personally have a PS3 from the US and I use it directly plugged into the regular 220v power socket in India.
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