PS3 slim is able to play media from HDD


Active Member
Dec 7, 2009
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Reading a few threads on PS3/PS3 slim and its media handling capabilities and limitations, I believed that PS3 can't read and play media files from external HDDs mainly because all/most of these HDDs are NTFS formatted while PS3 could read only FAT32 disks. I have a WD HDD (MyPassport 320 GB) and have many movies/ videos and music stored in it. Recently I bought a new HDTV (LG 42LH90) that has USB playback feature. I was able to connect the HDD to the TV's USB port and play some of the movies. But the trouble was the TV didn't recognise all the formats (e.g. some mp4 movies, m2ts videos). Plus LG TVs had this odd limitation of not allowing any picture settings while playing videos from a USB HDD/ flash drive.

Recently I got the PS3 slim (120 GB). Now I wanted to play all those movies and videos in my HDD that I couldn't by connecting the HDD directly to the TV. So, going by the recommendation from some of the forum members, I installed the PS3 media server in my laptop and then by connecting the HDD to my laptop, I was able to stream the movies/ videos to the PS3 and watch in the TV. However, there was that occasional hiccups with few video frames getting stuck temporarilry or moving in broken slow-motion. Fortunately it happened very few times (2-3 times during a 2.5 hour movie), so it was not that bad, though a bit irritating. I read in this forum that by manipulating the PS3 media server settings, one could resolve this. While I was trying that out, I was also getting tempted to consider buying a media streamer.

Till day before yesterday, I had not even tried once connecting the HDD to PS3 (as I was sure PS3 won't recognise it) though I tried playing media from USB flash-drives. Just as an experiment, yesterday morning I connected the HDD to the PS3. I browsed to the "video" menu of the PS3 and saw the HDD listed. I tried opening it but got the 'no title inside' message. I was expecting this anyway. But just before giving up & taking out the HDD, while the HDD was selected, I went to 'options' (green triangle on the PS3 controller) - it had 'information' and 'display all' option. I selected 'display all' option. To my surprise, all the folders in the HDD were now visible. I browsed to the 'movies' folder (where I had all the movies). Again I had the same 'no title' message and again I tried options--> display all. And I could see all the movie folders. I selected one folder with a mp4 movie and again got the same 'no title' message and again tried the same trick ('display all'). Now I could see the movie file. When I selected the file and entered, the movie started playing, perfectly. Funny thing is - from next time onwards whenever I connected the HDD, I got that 'no title' message only for top menu. But after using the 'display all', when I selected any of the movie (or music/ video) folders, the contents/files were displayed w/o any more error and I was able to play all - movies, m2ts videos (transferred from my Sony camcorder) and the music. For the wma music files, PS3 directed me to go through the Sytem Settings --> Audio settings --> Enable WMA playback option (you need to have the PS3 connected to the net during this step as it does some one-time authentication before activating this option), but once that was done, I was able to play all wma files.

With this pleasant and unexpected thing - I am now able to do everything using the PS3 and the HDD that I wanted to do.
I am sharing this small thing just to let some other 'ignorant' PS3 slim owners like me (if any) know that you can actually connect your HDDs to your PS3 slim & play the media files - contrary to what some members in this forum suggested and I believed.
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Hey, one thing is not very clear, whether you've a FAT32 formatted HDD or NTFS formatted HDD? AFAIK PS3 reads only FAT32 drives. So please please let us know if NTFS is now supported. Even with media server I've seen that I need to select Display All option after opening the media server icon.
One thing I found about my WD HDD(500GB, Home) is that it came as FAT32 formatted drive and I had reformat it to NTFS.
I am konfused too! how was the hdd formatteD?

Hey, one thing is not very clear, whether you've a FAT32 formatted HDD or NTFS formatted HDD? AFAIK PS3 reads only FAT32 drives. So please please let us know if NTFS is now supported. Even with media server I've seen that I need to select Display All option after opening the media server icon.
One thing I found about my WD HDD(500GB, Home) is that it came as FAT32 formatted drive and I had reformat it to NTFS.
I checked this. Yes, the WD HDD I have is FAT32 formatted (by default). So this must be the reason why PS3 is able to read the media files from this external HDD.
I actually though it was other way around i.e. all these HDDs are by default NTFS formatted and one needs to change the formatting to FAT32 to make it compatible with the PS3. However, this suits me fine as I wont need a media player cum streamer anymore. Also when I go for another HDD, I need to make sure I buy one that is FAT32 by default or can be easily formatted so.
^^ the problem is with playing full hd movie rips. Most of them are 8-9 GB and playing them via external hdd on PS3 is not possible as FAT 32 cannot store files more than 4 GB. So you need to split the files and all that ....for normal divx files or 720p files less than 4GB, its fine.
^^ yup, that's the big problem witth FAT32, it can't store files bigger than 4GB. Normally what I've seen is that WD drives are coming by default as FAT32 and Seagate is NTFS. I prefer to keep my drive formatted to NTFS but probably gonna get a FAT32 formatted just for this purpose. Have been using an 8 GB pen drive if not streaming using media server.
There are programs available on the net which allow you to format hard drives as FAT32 so that they can be used with the PS3. I have a 1TB External HDD, which was formatted as NTFS earlier. Then I learnt that Windows allows FAT32 formatting only for drives less than 32GB in size. Then searched the internet for 3rd party programs. Found 1 which did the job of formatting my drive to FAT32.

Note, that formatting does erase all data off the drive, so taking a backup is essential.
hi This seems what all those PS3 owners out there have been looking for (including me).

Please confirm:
1. Can I can connect a 1TB external HDD to my PS3 via USB and still play all movies. .vob, m2ts???

2. If yes, what is the utility to format the HDD with Fat32. any website???

3. or do you suggest me to replace the existing HDD in PS3 with a new 1TB HDD and format it usng FAT32.

Its exciting. I request your kind advice.

Thanks a lot in advance friends!!!
PS3 doesn't support all the formats. It does support m2ts though. But no support for mkv or mp4 as of now.
There are some free utilities to format the drive as FAT32. Someone here only posted one such tool's link. I'll try to find and post it here.
I dunno if replacing the HDD inside the PS3 and then loading that with movies will be clean idea. It's better to have an external FAT32 formatted drive if you really want it. What I did was that I had a 16GB pen drive(fat32) and whenever I felt like watching some movie I just copy them on that drive and connect to PS3 and watch. Media server also worked quite well till I got some big size files.
Please confirm:
1. Can I can connect a 1TB external HDD to my PS3 via USB and still play all movies. .vob, m2ts???

2. If yes, what is the utility to format the HDD with Fat32. any website???

3. or do you suggest me to replace the existing HDD in PS3 with a new 1TB HDD and format it usng FAT32.

Here is a link showing what all video formats are supported by the PS3 : PS3™ | Types of files that can be played . Copying from that site, they are :
* Memory Stick Video Format
* - MPEG-4 SP (AAC LC)
* - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC High Profile ?AAC LC?
* - MPEG-2 TS?H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC LC?
* MP4 file format
* - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC High Profile (AAC LC)
* MPEG-1 (MPEG Audio Layer 2)
* MPEG-2 PS (MPEG2 Audio Layer 2, AAC LC, AC3(Dolby Digital), LPCM)
* MPEG-2 TS?MPEG2 Audio Layer 2, AC3?Dolby Digital?, AAC LC?
* - Motion JPEG (Linear PCM)
* - Motion JPEG (?-Law)
* AVCHD ?.m2ts / .mts?
* DivX
* - VC-1?WMA Standard V2?
I'd recommend using the external HDD. Do note though, since it's a Fat32, file sizes have to be under 4GB. So, if you have a HD movie, split it into two parts.
The video formats that PS support includes AVI, MPEG and MP4. So I suggest that you can decode your video files to the video formats listed above. And then it is a piece of cake to import them to PS3 for playing.

I was using Aunsoft Video Converter to convert various video files. Aunsoft Video Converter is a powerful video converter, player, editor for Mac and Windows. You can convert your video files to almost any video format that you need, like MOV, AVI, WMV, MPEG, FLV, MKV and etc. It can play many various movie files; it can encode movies to many formats; it can cut, trim and join movies.

Hope it is useful.

I thought using ps3media center on your PC you can play all media files from your PC to TV via PS3 ..... Correct me here :rolleyes:
ps3 media server you can play anything.. depends on the raw power of your cpu as the video gets decoded on your cpu and then wirelessly transmitted to ps3..

however again if you planning to stream movies above 4-5 gb in size.. switch to wireless N as G 54Mbps will not be able to match up.. i have tested it and max bandwidth you will attain is 7-7.5 MBPS.. and tats logical technically.. i tortured my router for hours with ps3 but 720p and 1080p is a no from media server unless you have a real powerful pc to decode and keep and the audi n video in sync and transmit it wirelessly.
what about hd audio?

HD Video stutters when streamed from a NAS to Xtreamer using Wireless N. So I highly doubt PS3 playing Full HD movies (Over 25 GB) using the PS3 MS. The best way I think is to rip the movies into m2ts and allow them streamed from a NAS wired. I shall check this out when I go to Srini's place this weekend and let you know the results.

Kittu - Try the WRT 610N it's a nice piece of hardware, Although if there is a possibility please hard wire your PS3 to the File source. Wireless is still prone to lots of issues.
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