PSN outage-Lawsuits to cost Sony 24 Billion


Active Member
Jul 25, 2009
It has been a week and 2 days since i first realized that the entire PSN was down. It started off as a simple "encountered an eror" message seems making me think it was a temporary network issue. I then happened to see a single result online saying the network would be restored in a day or 2. This was last thursday.
I hoped that services would be back on Saturday given the Easter Weekend but i was so wrong. The number of online searches for the incident now had gone up with a sizeable number of theories about a possible hack but a stunning silence on Sony's part.

Then came the talk about groups like Anonymous being the cause. But it was not until the 26th that they spoke of an "external intrusion" causing the outage.

We were then told they were revamping their entire network security component and have hired the FBI to look into the fraud

A week later i now realize that i might be part of almost a 75 million strong community that might have had their accounts hacked into.

In all lawsuits are expected to cost Sony about 24 billion dollars. However they might still be saved by an American Supreme Court ruling which over-rides such suits if a written contract has been made dissallowing a consumer to take the company to court before using a service

Anyways words like George Hotz, Anonymous,FBI Cybercrimes,PSN outage, down,24 billion,lawsuit are all you would need to keep yourself updated on this Sony debacle on the www.
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It is most unlikely that Anonymous has carried out this operation because none of their past operations resulted stealing private data of customers.

Whoever it may be unfortunately my card information was in PSN.
It is most unlikely that Anonymous has carried out this operation because none of their past operations resulted stealing private data of customers.

Whoever it may be unfortunately my card information was in PSN.

Sorry to hear that! Did you cancel ur card?

Yes it is unlikely it was Anonymous. Their name came out mostly due to the initial rumours the first week of the outage. They have been vehemently denying allegations as well.
It was only towards the middle of this week that people realized the seriousness of the issue and info started pouring out though we still do not know who was the cause

They will have a conference tomorrow to provide an exact restoration date and type of compensation to users
Online gaming services are back in America. They will be back in a phased manner in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East as well. No particular time limit has been set for Asia currently.
Update- I was able to update the firmware to 3.61 today when i logged in but when tried to log back in the same "playstation network is undergoing maintenance" message shows up
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