record stabilizing ring

Is it recommended centre weight for belt drive players? Will it affect the rpm? Thanks.
IMHO Using centre weight on DD turntable is likely to affect the motor as it will directly load the motor. In case of BD turntable the load will be shared by the belt also.
Using the centre weight on suspended chassis may be difficult. I tried to use it on my highly sensitive AR XA and it didn't work - the platter was touching the turntable base.
In my experience, the center weight can be used for DD and idler wheel turntable but not on suspended turntables. I have made both on DIY basis. I use the stabilizing ring only for very warped records. The center wight does make a difference in a very sensitive listening room. There is more stability and the bass extension and overall reproduction is sharper IMO.
Can you provide more information on how to DIY for the vinyl stabilizing ring?

In my experience, the center weight can be used for DD and idler wheel turntable but not on suspended turntables. I have made both on DIY basis. I use the stabilizing ring only for very warped records. The center wight does make a difference in a very sensitive listening room. There is more stability and the bass extension and overall reproduction is sharper IMO.
My stabilizing ring was cut out of metal pipe selected to a size of the LP record of approximately 2 mm thickness with a outer wedge to hold the ring. I will try to post some pictures. Mine has a disadvantage. I cannot play the first track when I use the ring. But it is very useful to tackle warped records
A record stabilizing ring is one of those accessories which is quite a pain to fit each time we change records, and must be inserted correctly or else it will introduce its own wobble. A center weight is simpler to use, but then it can't flatten edge warps.

In many years of ownership of the record ring stabiliser, I can literally count on my fingers the number of times I have actually used it:)

Also, the extra weight of the ring or center weight are not really suitable for suspended turntables, especially if it's softly sprung, as it upsets the delicate balance of the platter-arm suspension. Plus the extra weight is instantly felt by the (usually anemic) motors. Both these issues are usually not felt on non-suspended, torquey idlers or direct drives (in my limited experience).

Be aware that the extra width of the record ring can foul with things like pop-up strobe light in some TTs.

That said, the ring as well as weight made by Sound Foundations are really very well made :thumbsup:
Excellent Reading. Wow.... If i have to make a center weight myself for my Akai DD turntable, what would be the weight of such center weight? I propose to make one in Aluminium. Please advise.

Sanjeev Aggarwal.
New Delhi.
sanjeev, pls read post #10, gives all info related. not so easy to just start making such things. why not get one made by person who is having experience in doing so???
Excellent Reading. Wow.... If i have to make a center weight myself for my Akai DD turntable, what would be the weight of such center weight? I propose to make one in Aluminium. Please advise.

Sanjeev Aggarwal.
New Delhi.

If I remember right, the weight should be 650 grams
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