Music indeed does wonders to my stress.
Why, just this morning, got up early, did some aquarium maintenance and settled down to listen to some music before breakfast. Made sure fan was off, ambient sounds were minimal. Was into the fourth song and in walks my wife with a newspaper in hand. (She is an early riser too) Goes straight to the fan and turns it full on. My stress simply floated in the air and disappeared. Music also promotes a healthy heart as it makes me exercise too. I had to get up from the chair to turn the volume up. In no time, instructions came from behind to reduce the volume as apparently, loud music interfered with reading.
More exercise.
Now, I could not make out if music was playing. Still more exercise. Switched the system off and went to stare at my newly set up aquarium.
Yes, music does wonders to my stress. At least, I have my aquarium to see that my stress levels don't go too low.