Repairing the stylus...


Active Member
Aug 20, 2013
I accidentally dropped the tone arm and the stylus got damaged. The stylus itself is ok. I think the tip has gone bad. My stylus is Audio-Technica ATN3600L. Is it possible to fix the stylus tip ?

Replacement is the best and only solution, repairing a damaged stylus can put your records at risk, unless you have re-tipping done by a professional. Honestly, for this model of stylus, it is not worth the money and effort to get it re-tipped anyways. For the cost of re-tipping, you can probably buy a few of these new cartridges (with stylli) anyways.
Thanks Shivam & reubensm. Then I will try to get a new stylus. Is there any dealer from whom I can buy that in India or should I order from US ?
This particulat Audio Technica model is at the entry level for AT 1/2 mount carts. A new cart used to cost about $10 earlier, but now costs around the $30 mark in the United States. The replacement stylus costs around the $10-$15 mark. If you have a friend in the US, who is coming down, get it through him/her as shipping is expensive. Indian sellers usually charge around 4-5k (some even charge upto 7k) for this cart. Not sure about the cost or availability of this stylus in India.
Recently I've ordered couple of styli from This was for a vintage Pioneer model which probably is not in production anymore. The package reached in ten days and the shipping cost wasn't really high (say around Rs 200+) on regular USPS.

Check the site if you have something remotely similar. eBay is another option that you can check.
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