I think its just a news...not even a fad. Because of the problems associated with the format, like moisture, alignment issues on different cassettes, sequential playback (which is not the case with vinyl or CD), frequent dirty tape heads etc., prone to magnetic field damages are too much to be taken kindly by the current people. Digital music is convenient & no non-sense kind of thing, where has vinyl undoubtedly has a nostalgia associated with it. Also, choosing to play selected tracks in a cassette is a 'job' in itself....like rewinding, fforwarding, etc.
Just a thought, may be to revive like vinyl (if it has really revived!) cassesstes must spend some more time on the shelf...may be its too early to be called a revival.
PS: I know, I'll be flared by the 'tape heads' now.
Finally an OT but, IMO, its a wrong section to discuss the format, esp. when we have a dedicated section on the forum.