Seeking / looking for an experienced, old-school vintage valve (tube) amplifier repair technician in Mumbai


Sep 18, 2010
Hi Guys -

this might be the proverbial "looking for a needle in a hay-stack" type of pursuit; however, in my attempts "to leave no stone un-turned" (another venerable adage that my dear old granny used to quote ever so often - depending on the circumstance at the time !), I thought it best to throw my query open to "the forum" - so here goes:

Does anyone know or know of an experienced, old-school (say, 1950s or 1960s audio equipment - almost entirely valve [tube] based) audio repair-restoration tech who could (would be able) to assist with the maintenance, repair and upkeep of especially valve (tube) amplifiers (power and pre) from the 1950s and 1960s (early 1960s) ?

There WAS one whom I knew and dealt with (I was his customer / client) for a few years - a gent named Mr. ANIL MAHALE (I addressed him as: Anil-bhai, of course) and he operated out of his rather dilapidated "shop" (work-shop) at noisy and congested Kalbadevi - but, as it was smack dab in South Mumbai, that worked well for me - I would just take a taxi to carry in and take away my equipment and his ground floor shop made this very convenient. Then, alas, sometime LAST year (I think in July 2017), when I rang his mobile, his daughter answered and informed me that her father (Anil-bhai) had just passed away suddenly (a stroke felled him) just a day earlier - very sudden, sad and actually shocking for me as I had meant to have a long conversation with him peppered with quite a few queries on that particular day - now, sadly, I and quite a few of his regular "clients" are bereft of his audio repair "skills" - especially his familiarity and expertise with old Quad valve items (power and pre amps).

Thankfully and even mercifully, I have NOTHING at this very moment in my audio equipment collection that needs repair or mending - but - as all of us in this noble hobby and persuation know very well - when the "fault" comes, it comes - without any warnings or harbingers - and that is when one needs to have the solace and equanimity that his friendly "audio tech" is close at hand when needed to take care of and repair the faulty equipment - the audio Doctor, if you will !

So, guys - there you have it - if you or anyone whom you know KNOWS of or about a reputable, well-experienced, old-school (one who is knowledgeable with and NOT afraid to take on and delve into "ancient" valve [tube] based audio gear) - then - will you please be so kind and considerate and share the name and any contact details of this person or persons (if I am so lucky) with me ? I will appreciate this - as will my vintage audio equipment - I am sure of this. Thanks - to one and all - in advance and cheers !


Ronnie K. Marker
Mr. Naren Halankar is considered amongst the best. His workshop is in Nana Chowk, Mumbai. PM me if you need his contact details.
Hi...thanks for that affirmation about Naren....I know him although have now "lost" his phone no. as my old (earlier)
mobile was left behind in a taxi a few months ago........Naren is well-known and held in good esteem although I am
NOT very sure / certain about his vintage (valve-based) equipment expertise and willingness...still, perhaps I should
visit his den at NC and inquire with him ! Thanks all the same - kind regards, Ronnie
Hi Guys,

I am also looking for a technician who can repair my DIY Tube Preamp in Mumbai. Will highly appreciate if you can share the contact details on any person in Mumbai who may have the right expertise to repair Tube Pre Amp.

Thanks in advance
Mr. Naren Halankar is considered amongst the best. His workshop is in Nana Chowk, Mumbai. PM me if you need his contact details.

Hi Ash,

Please PM me the contacts of Mr Naren Halankar at Nana Chowk. I have a Sansui 555 and a Leak Stereo 70 amp which needs some attention. Thanks for your help.

Hi Guys -

this might be the proverbial "looking for a needle in a hay-stack" type of pursuit; however, in my attempts "to leave no stone un-turned" (another venerable adage that my dear old granny used to quote ever so often - depending on the circumstance at the time !), I thought it best to throw my query open to "the forum" - so here goes:

Does anyone know or know of an experienced, old-school (say, 1950s or 1960s audio equipment - almost entirely valve [tube] based) audio repair-restoration tech who could (would be able) to assist with the maintenance, repair and upkeep of especially valve (tube) amplifiers (power and pre) from the 1950s and 1960s (early 1960s) ?

There WAS one whom I knew and dealt with (I was his customer / client) for a few years - a gent named Mr. ANIL MAHALE (I addressed him as: Anil-bhai, of course) and he operated out of his rather dilapidated "shop" (work-shop) at noisy and congested Kalbadevi - but, as it was smack dab in South Mumbai, that worked well for me - I would just take a taxi to carry in and take away my equipment and his ground floor shop made this very convenient. Then, alas, sometime LAST year (I think in July 2017), when I rang his mobile, his daughter answered and informed me that her father (Anil-bhai) had just passed away suddenly (a stroke felled him) just a day earlier - very sudden, sad and actually shocking for me as I had meant to have a long conversation with him peppered with quite a few queries on that particular day - now, sadly, I and quite a few of his regular "clients" are bereft of his audio repair "skills" - especially his familiarity and expertise with old Quad valve items (power and pre amps).

Thankfully and even mercifully, I have NOTHING at this very moment in my audio equipment collection that needs repair or mending - but - as all of us in this noble hobby and persuation know very well - when the "fault" comes, it comes - without any warnings or harbingers - and that is when one needs to have the solace and equanimity that his friendly "audio tech" is close at hand when needed to take care of and repair the faulty equipment - the audio Doctor, if you will !

So, guys - there you have it - if you or anyone whom you know KNOWS of or about a reputable, well-experienced, old-school (one who is knowledgeable with and NOT afraid to take on and delve into "ancient" valve [tube] based audio gear) - then - will you please be so kind and considerate and share the name and any contact details of this person or persons (if I am so lucky) with me ? I will appreciate this - as will my vintage audio equipment - I am sure of this. Thanks - to one and all - in advance and cheers !


Ronnie K. Marker
It’s a big challenge to get a good Techinan in India
As far as I’ve heard Naren Halankar has closed shop several years ago & relocated to his hometown.
I know one guy in Thane, Lovett. If you wish to travel that far.
Could you please convey me address/ number of that person in Thane, I would like to get my old Murphy radio made up of vslves, repaired. Thanks. Please convey asap. Thank you
Hello mate, appreciate if you could share Lovett's contact. I am based in Thane and my pioneer stero amp needs some help
Lovett is indeed a master technician and a fun person to get to know, chat with. Visiting his old quaint house in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Thane city is in itself a lovely experience, and you get to see all kinds of old equipment and speakers that he owns or is working on. However, he is known to take his own sweet time working on a repair request. So keep that in mind. At his age, he works mainly for the joy and challenge of it than for livelihood is what I sensed. Also, since my last contact with him must have been 6-7 years ago, not sure about the current situation.
Thanks guys. Do share his number or address so I can still try. Any other reliable and skilled technician in Thane?
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