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Active Member
Mar 5, 2010
I am thinking of getting a Kindle DX. Sadly, these are not available in India. So I am looking at the Amazon US store. I think many forum members have experience purchasing from Amazon US, so I just want to clear a few doubts.
Firstly, do we need to have a Paypal account or can we pay direct through credit card issued by Indian banks.
Secondly, will there be any customs applicable? Will Amazon give us the customs estimate at the time of checkout or do we have to pay at the time of receipt of the order?
Thanks in advance.
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You don't need PayPal for Amazon as they don't accept PayPal. You can just pay with your Credit Card.

Free shipping is not available on Kindle DX, you'll only get Expedited and Priority Shipping.

Customs will be charged @ 27.5%
Check the availability at Amazon UK also. If the price is same after INR conversion, Amazon. UK Will be cheap as the freight charges is very less compared to amazon.comi. collects the Duty irrespective of the cost of materials whereas Amazon.Uk collects only when the total cost exceeds the duty leviable limit. Since duty is payable on the Landing cost, i.e including Freight, duty amount will be more from Amazon US than Amazon.UK because of the high freight charges
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