Sony 42W700b Or Panasonic 42AS630D


New Member
Sep 24, 2011

Out of these two Models , which one is to go for ?
My usage would be
1. Videos( dvds)
2. you tube videos for my kids

regular SD channel viewing will be hardly 10% and 90% tv will be used for above two.
best Prices so far i found for 42W700b is 60K and As 630 is ~52k in bangalore. ( other benefits of diwali are : 42B700b gets a dvd player, which is useless as i already have home theatre and panasonic gives 1+1 warranty and travel bag (also useless) . So , freebee we get here are more or less useless things ( 1+1 warranty is worth considering though (but somebody saying extra warranty doesn't really cover panel.Only standard warranty of 1 yr covers that) , but the rest of things are useless).

Other imp points :
1. particular about 42 inch ( can't go beyond 42) .
2. PQ & Internet content (youtube) will be top most priority.
3. Selected these two as PQ was best in this price range with FULL HD & wifi/ethernet connectivity .
4. viewing angles should be realistically well in both models ( as both provide ~90 degree, though IPS panel provides 178 degree as they say but realistically we hardly see tv from 178 degree angle. So, realistic 90 degree angle in both models are good enough .So, viewing angle is not realistically a concern.
4. PQ was almost same in both with sony has edge here.
5. Smart features/content playing seems to be panasonic has edge over sony.
6.Not concerned with status ( like sony is more premium etc..) but rather looking for VFM interms of our requirements .

Few concerns/open questions :
1.Durability --> which is better ?
2.Customer service --> which is better ?
3.Content play -> USbs/hard disks, internet ?

Sony Model costs 8K more . Is this extra price worth /justified for sony compared to viera model i mentioned ? Has anybody tested these two models from together ? Any suggestions ?

i would suggest to go in for the panasonic and invest the saved money in a comprehensive extended warranty of maximum duration and AFAIK panel too is covered in the extended warranty else it wont make any sense.hope this helps
Hye Mr. Sailas, Hope you have finalized the led as pf now out of the two. I am also in same fix. Please share your experience with the led you purchased.


go in for the panasonic. hands down. i have the 32 inch version. its got the ips display as well.... not sure about the sony..... buy a good blu ray player with the money saved....
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