Sony cx52 40" screen damaged - plz help


Oct 26, 2010
Due to painting work on my room, i had to keep the LCD on my bed with the screen facing the bed and covered it with a couple of towels. After two days when i lifted my TV to wall mount it back, i found a deep scratch which is very visible when i switch on the LCD especially when the screen is dark (when switched on). Seems the backlight is passing through the scratch and is displayed as a lightning..

A small screw has entered the uneven surface of my bed and damaged the matte screen deep. Hope this will not require panel replacement. Here is the pic guys. THis is a grey market item and guys please tell me where i can get it replaced in Chennai and whats the cost... This looks like the matte screen has been teared . The screws bottom has been pointing to the screen which led to such a damage. Its just only 6 months old guys. I am very depressed...

The round white one is nothing but the camera flash reflection.

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^ adder - is it not possible to replace the matte screen alone ?. You mean the panel itself is dama ged ?

It is possible but no manufacturer sells only the matte screen which by the way is a coating.
The fact that the backlight passes through means the the LC layer itself is damaged.
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i am quoted 11k for 32" panel guys. they have told that a 40" panel will cost around 15k but they will have find out the exaxt amount...

@adder - from the pic can you confirm that backlight passes/bleeds out of the screen ?

plz tell me what to do now ? :( :sad: :mad:
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you can sell this one whomever willing to buy will buy it and better buy a new one. Selling price i dont no.
i took great care before placing the lcd in the bed and ensured there are no foreign particles in the bed or the towel guys . The only mistake i commited was i failed to wrap the lcd in the towel which left room for the screw to enter the screen . Bu no one would have expected the screw would enter this uncovered area.
Why don't you show a technician your TV and make sure it needs a panel replacement. do they give warranty for the new panel?
Sony authorized service centre is asking 150 bucks for just diagonising and telling what is the actual problem. By diagnosing i mean paying a visit to my house , look the LCD for a fraction of seconds and blindly telling it requires panel replacement. I am not ready to pay even that amount to these rogues..

So i contacted the service centre guy via phone and asked if there is any possibility of changing the matte screen, but he replied my issue is panel related only and panel replacement is the only option as they are not technically equipped to replace the matte screen alone. But since the backlight is very visible in the screen i think it requires panel replacement only as pointed out by adder.
panel replacement is the only solution, try to get a cheap panel from local mkt.
Else best option is sold the unit and better get a new one.
do you want to try one of those scratch removal pens they sell for car scratches ? The pen leaves some kind of transparent fluid which fills superficial scratches.

Do test it on a plain glass first to see if the liquid is transparent enough.
Sorry to read this.
While doing furniture in my house, me & my better half took out our 42" plasma from wall mounting. We rested it on table stand came along with it. Now big cardboard fixed at from front side covering glass and big polythene wrapped around complete TV. We always moved it by holding at down/back side near speakers and stored on floor facing towards wall.

To avoid the damage, panel must not be rested on any surface, sofa or bed, not twisted. Hand, thumb should not be rested against panel. This applied to all flat panel displays.

Use cello tape and black marker pen / paint to cover the white light at that location, rather than always lit line, you will have some dead cells until you get replacement.
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Can you see color in that scratch when full screen is colored or is it white?

If LCD pixels are damaged then that part will go black, so it looks like your pixels are not damaged.
For me it seems the black coating is damaged. If i use black marker pen to cover the white line, it will make the display even worse....
Anfajvid, if the screen is physically damaged, there is nothing anyone can do excepting Sony Service center. And you have to just go by what they say unless you know a senior officer who can help you.

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