suitable amp for Monitor Audio rx6


New Member
Jul 28, 2006

My friend is looking to buy the Monitor Audio Rx6 speakers. Which amp (and CDP) will be a good match for these speakers. His budget for the amp is Rs.40-50k (they should be available in Mumbai). How will the Nads sound with the spearker? He primarily likes to listen to jazz and music with vocals.

Appreciate your help

Monitor Audio pairs really well with Marantz amps. For your budget get the PM8003. I've got the PM8003 with MA RS1s. Bought mine in Mumbai for 38K from Viola (Kavish) about a year back.
Monitor Audio pairs really well with Marantz amps. For your budget get the PM8003. I've got the PM8003 with MA RS1s. Bought mine in Mumbai for 38K from Viola (Kavish) about a year back.

Saikat74, do you have the address and contact details of Viola in Mumbai?
Viola, D.N.nagar ,Andheri(w)
ph : ( 022) 2 612 1112
cell : 98199 53604 / 98210 64536
fax : ( 022 ) 2 612 1112


They have removed Marantz from their web but.
Which amp (and CDP) will be a good match for these speakers.


I guess, 40-50k budget is for both amp and cdp.

Since the new RX6 is a little rolled-off in the treble department compared to the older RS6, I would stay away from warm and laidback amps like NAD, coz, the sound would be more dull and lack excitement.

Having said that, your best bet could be from the Marantz 6003/7003 and CA 650 combo mentioned above, could really gel well. I'm not too sure you can accomodate 8003 combo in your budget.

All IMO.

Thanks to all of you for your replies. The Rs.40-50k budget is only for the amp. The budget for a CDP would be around another Rs.30k.

Is the Marantz pm 8003 available in Mumbai? How does it compare to the 6003 in SQ? Sometimes the lower powered amps sound better/cleaner than higher powered ones, IMO.
The RS6 works extremely well with NAD. I have been using them with C372 as well as a bi-amped with two C270s. I am not sure about RX6. You would need to audition and decide. In Bangalore NAD and MA are sold by the same dealer so the auditioning them together is not that difficult.

Thanks. However out here the NAD and MA dealers are different. So listening to them together could be difficult.
Unlike US and UK, in India it makes more sense to buy the amp first as you can carry it to the speaker shop. I wish we had a return policy like other countries. When I was buying my speakers. I actually carried my NAD C372 with me to the ARN showroom, just to realize that he had exactly the same amp :)
I had a bigger budget for the speakers but I got the sound I wanted from the RS6. So I bought them after listening to more expensive ones. But let me tell you that not all the dealers were open to connecting the speakers they were selling to my amp, even though I had carried it all the way there.

What you could do is compare RS6 to RX6 at the MA shop. If the RX6 is not too warm and rolled off at the top, just go for the NAD (or even Marantz). Otherwise look for less warm amps such as Rotel.

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I am also looking for stereo amp for my rx6 .currently driving them by marantz 5006.
Will marantz 6004/7004 be a good match? I mostly listen to hindi songs. Budget is within 50000
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