Tips On Buying - Milty Zerostat Antistatic Gun


Mar 28, 2013
Hi guys,

I have been reading about the Milty Zerostat Antistatic Gun for quite sometime now, and just wanted to know how useful it is?
Its a little expensive for $100 (excluding shipping to India), but if its really worth it, i do not mind waiting a bit and buying.

Have read about it and also seen some videos on youtube. Its seems like a good product to buy, but wanted to know reviews from someone who actually uses it.
If any of the fellow members use this product, could you please help out in the practicality of how useful this product really is?

Thanks in advance.
Hello all,

If anyone on HiFiVision uses a Milty Zerostat Gun on their Vinyls, Kindly post a personal review...

Hi blackisback,

I use it. Definitely useful especially in winter when static tends to develop more. Works as advertised, keeps records static free. Especially if you have an acrylic platter and then take the record off after playing there's a lot of static buildup. I use mine after cleaning records so no dust settles, before playing if there's static on a record and more during winter after playing records before sleeving them.

thanks stevieboy,
i do have an acrylic platter, but i use a carbon fibre matt on top (has really changed the sound amazingly)...
sometimes the LP"s stick to the matt, and sometime the dust particles o not completely go after one uses an antistatic brush...
Kindly help in the following queries,
once if you zap the gun at a record, does it remain antistatic for a long time?
have you tried the gun on the stylus? does it help?
Thanks in advance..
Hi blackisback,

If you zap record before play and then play especially in winter you'll find that the record has developed some static after play. My experience with the acrylic platter. However the use of the gun is to make the record static free for play and then for sleeving, so amount of time it remains antistatic is really not material. It will only develop static again if rubbed like a stylus moving on it while its resting on a platter. Don't think you need to use it on the stylus.

milty zerostat anti-static gun at MCRU

Milty Zerostat 3 Anti Static Gun | eBay


I had got mine for the equivalent of 70$ but forgot from where. The above sites work out cheaper than $100.

Enjoy. When you get it remember to squeeze the trigger slowly and release it slowly at the same spot on the LP. Then move around to another spot to cover the LP as a whole. It if clicks you aren't doing it right as the clicking is a safety mechanism. It takes a while but slow does it.

edit: This seems best works out to about 3.5k indian rupees!
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hey , thanks for the links and the quick replies....
will surely contact you again whenever i have ordered it and start using... might have more questions...

Thanks again...
The biggest help that I have found in decreasing static and thus dust on my vinyls is by using a humidifier in my listening room. Cleaning in the room is done by vacuum cleaner and furniture with moist cloth.

Keeping the humidity on the higher side in the room reduces the static more than any anti-static spray or gun that I have used.
hey shivam,
how do we do that? How big is the product and where do we get it? does it depend on room size? any product link?
sorry, i think i will make myself clear.... i thought there is like a DEhumidifier that works better... as in photography equipment one gets a dehumidifier that keeps all equipment clear of any sort of fungus , dust etc....
living in Mumbai, there is a lot of humid air... i cannot play open...
i prefer playing with the room closed and well dusted, with mostly the air conditioning on..
I live in a place with dry summers but after rains we have very humid and hot summer. I listen to music in an air-conditioned room but I also use a cooler (symphony) kept within the room that makes the air humid and cool. Air-conditioner leaves the room very dry but the cooler helps in keeping a balance. When I listen to music, I switch the cooler off because it is very loud. I keep the humidity levels in my room above 45%.

There are dedicated humidifiers available in the market meant for a single room but I thought of cooler as a better option since it cools too.
I was reading that this was effectively a very expensive gas lighter, and that the active element is a piezoelectric crystal that is the same as what you find in a gas lighter, and with a few mods, you should be in business

Any volunteers :D
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