to Dac Or Not To Dac....


Aug 26, 2010
Hi all !

My system currently is a Acoustic Portrait Swara integrated amp and Cadence Arita bookshelves. My source is Flac streamed from my android phone via Hi-Fi cast to Chromecast Audio.

Will introducing a budget DAC( specifically a Topping D30 Or a SMSL Sanskrit 6th -there has to be a digital in to enable use of the digital out of the CCA , as it supposedly sound better. I'm curently using the analog out of the CCA to the Swara. ) make any appreciable difference to the sound quality ?? . There is supposed to be a decent DAC in the CCA, but considering the size ,how good can it possible be ?.

It has to be a budget dac or none at all..I'm not a golden eared audiophile and also ,cannot afford the expensive stuff !

thanks in advance for your opinions..
I'm not a golden eared audiophile
There's no way to know this definitely without adding a dedicated DAC and seeing if you can make out the difference. Dedicated DAC (even a entry level like Sanskrit 6th) usually makes a difference, but since the CCA already has a decent DAC on board, go for Modi Multibit or Smsl M8 at least, for definitive incremental upgrade. Sanskrit 6th edition is a good DAC otherwise.
It also depends upon what you are looking to gain from this upgrade, if it's details, improved audio resolution and dynamics, you won't be disappointed.

(PS: I'm assuming that the First line tweaks for improving SQ; like cleaner power supply, cables, speakers isolation /placement & basic room acoustics are already in place)
So,drkrack, you think the poof of the pudding..? :)

The two Dac you recommend are a bit beyond the budget I've set .

if it's details, improved audio resolution and dynamics, you won't be disappointed.
. exactly what I'm looking for !:)

Additionally , you think the SMSL is better than the Topping ? Considering I won't be using the usb ( DSD ) .
Do the chipsets used (wm8740 vs cs4398) make any diff in sound quality.. ?

i am also in the same dilemma topping d10 vs d30 vs ifi nano idsd le vs smsl vs onboard dac. my source is by pc with gigabyte
X470 AORUS ULTRA GAMING (rev. 1.0) motherboard.
i found somewhere that ess dac is used in my mb.
do we need to import these dacs or is it available somewhere in india?
drkrack, you think the poof of the pudding..? :)
Yes.. Everyone is a born audiophile, our degree of disconnection with our self and our senses varies. Some see it as Curse, Some as Boon ; but Majority folks Ignore... Human ears are way more sensitive.
Imagine if we were to still live in jungles, we needed to hear the stealthily moving tiger, Bow string being pulled etc to survive.

Do the chipsets used (wm8740 vs cs4398) make any diff in sound quality.. ?
Yes a lot in fact, but at the price point you are looking it'd hardly make a difference. I'd have preferred Smsl and Sanskrit 6th over the Topping model. There are quite many happy users of the Sanskrit on the forum.
Ideally it's advisable to take home audition for DAC with your gear before buying, but unless a friendly FM in your city obliges its easier said than done.

(PS: I'm assuming that the First line tweaks for improving SQ; like cleaner power supply, cables, speakers isolation /placement & basic room acoustics are already in place)
Do check these aspects as well.
Yes a dac will definitely improve things. Having used the sanskrit, I didn't find it great.

There are a couple of DACs on sale in the For sale section. You may want to take a look.

Yes a dac will definitely improve things. Having used the sanskrit, I didn't find it great.

There are a couple of DACs on sale in the For sale section. You may want to take a look.


Schiit Loki, even a DargonFly entry level setup or NAD maybe a good starting point.

If you don’t mind pre-owned you may checkout

Will introducing a budget DAC( specifically a Topping D30 Or a SMSL Sanskrit 6th -there has to be a digital in to enable use of the digital out of the CCA , as it supposedly sound better. I'm curently using the analog out of the CCA to the Swara. ) make any appreciable difference to the sound quality ?? . There is supposed to be a decent DAC in the CCA, but considering the size ,how good can it possible be ?.

It has to be a budget dac or none at all..I'm not a golden eared audiophile and also ,cannot afford the expensive stuff !

Schiit Loki, even a DargonFly entry level setup or NAD maybe a good starting point.
I have the CCA (a few of them) and am a big fan of its capabilities at price point (used to be $35, closeout sale price $15).
The analog out from CCA (post the DAC section AKM 4430 based apparently) is quite good in terms of resolution and rendering.
Make sure you have enabled "Full Dynamic Range" in CCA settings.

When compared to the Schiit Modi-2 Uber and the inbuilt DAC in Marantz AVR, I found:
  • Modi-2 brings a darker background, bit of depth of soundstage and bit of instrument layering to the game
  • Marantz AVR DAC is not so impressive even compared to the CCA internal DAC
My personal impression of CCA analog out was it was a bit forward and flat soundstage.
Can get a bit fatiguing when sitting in sweet spot (of course based on content itself).
Works great for background listening.

An external DAC with multiple inputs (USB, OPT, COAX, etc) gives you the option of "normalizing" signature from various digital sources.
So yeah, take a call on budget and get a DAC that will provide connectivity options.
Be patient. Stuff comes up on sale on the forum regularly.

Schiit Loki is a tone control unit; no DAC capability
Hi People,
I am also in the same situation. I have the following queries regarding this:
1: Just wanted to know if I want to connect Chromecast Audio via optical to DAC and DAC connected via RCA to PM5005. Will it improve the sound quality? (Currently, CCA is connected to PM5005 via RCA)
2: If yes, as drkrack suggested me in a different thread to add Schiit Modi 2 Uber as a next step (it is not available now) so considering Schiit Modi 3 for 9k, will make a significant improvement?
3: I am using google music, YT Music, Spotify and Wynk for streaming and in future, I will make a collection of flac on my laptop, will use as add on source and will also continue using CCA as using wireless is effortless. Still Schiit Modi 3 is good?
4: If Modi 3 is not good, can you suggest more options within 10k?

Thanks in advance
To the OP, i too use a chromecast but use its toslink output connected to a dac. It sounds good to me. I have flacs too which i play using an allo digione or hifiberry pro via their coaxial digital outs connected to the same dac depending on which box has not died on me.

I have not tried the chromecast analog output. I have a modi multi bit and my favorite chinese dac ...if you are in Bangalore you are welcome to come down to listen to them and run tests comparing them. Or one of these days i can try out the chromcast analog and let you know how it sounds ...getting to the wires is a bit difficult though in my case.

Ps : chromecast digital out is good only if you are using an external player for your casting ...
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