Note: I wasn't sure where I should be asking this question so I've put it here. Mods - please move if needed. Thanks!
So, my stereo setup is being moved from a large room to one which is substantially smaller. I'm pretty certain the speakers are going to overwhelm the new location, even at low to moderate volumes. In the original room, it took me quite some time and effort to tighten the bass and get the sound-staging right. Unfortunately, I will not have the luxury of spacing out the speakers as I want in the new room, which brings me to my question.
In my chain: Dell 1720 > SB Duet > AA Primo Cento > Odyssey Syren, how can I get some tone controls (equalization?) in order to tame the sound, especially the LF. I can hear the purists gasping at the very thought but it is an unfortunate thing and my hand is being forced.
I love the components I have and replacing them is out of the question.
Please direct me to the cleanest (from SQ POV) and best method to get tone controls. I don't mind if it is a software based hack or a not-very-expensive hardware fix.
Many thanks!
So, my stereo setup is being moved from a large room to one which is substantially smaller. I'm pretty certain the speakers are going to overwhelm the new location, even at low to moderate volumes. In the original room, it took me quite some time and effort to tighten the bass and get the sound-staging right. Unfortunately, I will not have the luxury of spacing out the speakers as I want in the new room, which brings me to my question.
In my chain: Dell 1720 > SB Duet > AA Primo Cento > Odyssey Syren, how can I get some tone controls (equalization?) in order to tame the sound, especially the LF. I can hear the purists gasping at the very thought but it is an unfortunate thing and my hand is being forced.

Please direct me to the cleanest (from SQ POV) and best method to get tone controls. I don't mind if it is a software based hack or a not-very-expensive hardware fix.
Many thanks!